President Rivlin holds working meeting with Japanese PM Abe 19 January 2015

President Rivlin holds working meeting with Japanese PM Abe

    President Rivlin: We have to bring this conflict to an end, but this can only be done through direct negotiations. Going to the UN or the ICC, in order to solve a problem that we must solve together, only makes peace more distant.
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    President Rivlin meeting with Japanese PM Shinzō Abe in Jerusalem President Rivlin meeting with Japanese PM Shinzō Abe in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin today (Monday, 19 January 2015) held a working meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, who is on an official visit – his first - to Israel.
    The President began by congratulating the Prime Minister on his re-election.  He continued, "Mr. Prime Minister, we know that you are making many efforts to bring peace to the whole world, and to our region.  We know you have excellent relationships with all our neighbors, and it is very important for us that as friends you can help us.  We are suffering a tragedy that has been going on for the last one hundred and fifty years.  We have to bring this conflict to an end, but this can only be done through direct negotiations – as you know very well, and you are helping us to make this understood by the Palestinians.  Going to the UN or the ICC, in order to solve a problem that we must solve together, only makes peace more distant.
    Prime Minister Shinzō Abe thanked the President for his warm welcome on what is his first visit to Israel.  He said, "We believe that this is a timely visit, as it coincides with seventieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.  Moreover, I am determined to never allow such tragedies to be repeated, and based on this commitment and determination, I am especially committed to making a proactive contribution to world peace, and the creation of a world free of war and discrimination."
    The Prime Minister referred to the President's words on the peace process and said, "Japan has been playing a role, and based on our established position, have renewed our determination to make further contributions on this front."
    The Prime Minister concluded by saying that, "Between Japan and Israel, there is a long standing bond, and I am keen to develop further our bilateral ties."