President Rivlin holds consultations with elected parties 22 Mar 2015

President Rivlin holds consultations with elected parties

    On Wednesday afternoon, March 25, President Rivlin will receive the official results of the election for the 20th Knesset from Justice Salim Joubran. He will then bestow the task of forming the 34th Government of Israel on the selected MK.
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    President Rivlin begins consultations with elected parties President Rivlin begins consultations with elected parties Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this morning began consultations on the forming of a new government, with the parties elected to the 20th Knesset. He began the first consultation with representatives of the Likud party.
    The President commented, “In a democracy the majority rules, and the majority has expressed its will clearly in these elections. The role of the President after the elections is to serve the public faithfully, and to initiate the process of forming a coalition government in as swift and as transparent a way as possible.
    “The bringing forward of these consultations is designed to realize both these goals. Against a background of security and social challenges which lie before us, and with the critical need to approve a budget - there is a need to act to swear in the new government as soon as possible. With the beginning of these consultations, I call on all the elected representatives to do all in their power to speed up the process and the coalition negotiations, in order to allow the system of governance to once again operate as necessary.
    “We have been through a stormy and passionate election period - this is the time to begin a process of mending and healing in Israeli society. While the government which will be formed will have been elected by a majority of Israel's citizens, it must provide an answer to the needs of all the citizens of Israel."

    On Wednesday, March 25 (17:40), President Reuven Rivlin will receive the official results of the election for the 20th Knesset, from Chairman of the Central Elections Committee, Justice Salim Joubran. At 19:30 he will receive in his private office the Member of Knesset upon whom he will bestow the task of forming the 34th Government of Israel, and present him with an official invitation to do so. President Rivlin and the chosen Member of Knesset will then make public statements in the hall at the President’s Residence.