President Rivlin addresses Jordanian Independence Day reception 16 Jun 2015

President Rivlin addresses Jordanian Independence Day reception

    Jordan is an island of stability in a very complicated region. Since Israel and Jordan signed a peace agreement, there has been enormous growth in economic and social cooperation, and in ground-breaking ideas and initiatives.
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    President Rivlin with Jordanian Ambassador Walid Obeidat President Rivlin with Jordanian Ambassador Walid Obeidat Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    President of Israel Reuven Rivlin on Tuesday evening (June 16, 2015) addressed a reception held in Tel Aviv by the Embassy of Jordan, in honor of Jordanian Independence Day.  The President began by speaking in Arabic, and sent his warm regards to the King and Queen, and all the citizens of Jordan.
    The President continued in English and said, "Jordan is an island of stability in a very complicated region. I have watched with wonder, the very sensitive and wise way Jordan deals with the challenges and changes in our region. This is of course not a simple task. We all witnessed the heavy price paid by the Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, his family, and the whole Kingdom, in their just and determined struggle. I would like to take this opportunity, to send condolences, once again, from the people of Israel to his family.”
    The President added, “Since Israel and Jordan signed a peace agreement, there has been enormous growth in cooperation; in economic and social areas, and in ground-breaking ideas and initiatives; like the Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal project. I do hope we will be able to increase this cooperation to bring benefit to all the people of our region."
    The President added, "My late father was a great scholar of Islam. His Muslim friends told me, that he fasted during Ramadan when visiting his Muslim friends, only because of the deep respect he felt for his Muslim friends and neighbors. I grew up learning, about the rich world of Islam, that is full of beauty, kindness, and mercy.”
    The President concluded, “May I wish you all many more happy independence celebrations. As we approach the Ramadan fast, I send my blessings to all the people of the Kingdom.”
    The Ambassador of Jordan, Walid Obeidat, said, "The vision and courage of both late leaders Prime Minster Rabin and King Hussein, permitted our two countries to sign an historic agreement which confirmed the end of belligerency and ensured mutual recognition, political independence and established diplomatic relations. This year we have seen the advancement of major cooperation projects in the fields of water and energy."