President Rivlin accedes to PM Netanyahu's request for extension to form new government 20 April 2015

President Rivlin accedes to PM Netanyahu's request for extension to form new government

    ​President Rivlin acceded to the request and extended the prime minister an additional 14 days to form the new government, in accordance with Article 8 of Basic Law: The Government
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    President Rivlin accedes to PM Netanyahu's request to extend time to form new government President Rivlin accedes to PM Netanyahu's request to extend time to form new government Copyright: GPO/Haim Ben Gershom
    (Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin, this morning (Monday, 20 April 2015), at the President's Residence in Jerusalem, met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and – pursuant to Article 8 of Basic Law: The Government  – acceded to the latter's request that he be granted an additional 14 days in which to form a government.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "Mr. President, I have come this morning to request an extension so that I may complete the work of forming a government. We have made progress and are on the way to forming a government. However, I require additional time in order for the government to be stable and so that we might reach agreement on important issues that will aid us in meeting the challenges facing the State of Israel."
    President Rivlin said, "Mr. Prime Minister, there being no change in the circumstances regarding the recommendation according to which I assigned the responsibility to you, and in the wake of your updating me about your ability to complete the work of forming a government within the allotted time, I hereby give you an extension of 14 days in order to complete the formation of a government. The President's consideration is not limited in giving an extension but [the total period] cannot be longer than the 42 days provided by law. I wish you success in your work. The entire people of Israel hope that a government will be established; indeed, a transition government has not received the confidence of the Knesset and is viewed by the public as needing to be dealt with. I hope that in the coming days you will succeed in forming a stable government for the State of Israel."