Poland and Israel mark 25 years of renewed diplomatic relations 26 Feb 2015

Poland and Israel mark 25 years of renewed diplomatic relations

    During the last 25 years Poland and Israel have co-operated to preserve the memory of nearly a millennium of cohabitation of Jews and Poles with its triumphs and tragedies. We share a moral duty to spread the truth of the Holocaust.
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    President Rivlin with Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz in Warsaw President Rivlin with Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz in Warsaw Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)

    On February 27 we are commemorating a quarter century anniversary of the reestablishment of diplomatic relations. It allowed us to build a special and privileged partnership, based on deep historic roots and mutual support and respect for each other's sovereignty and mutual recognition of the political, security and economic needs of both countries. During the last twenty-five years Poland and Israel have co-operated to preserve the memory of nearly a millennium of cohabitation of Jews and Poles. We share a moral duty to spread the truth of the Holocaust and oppose attempts at denying or distorting it.

    Poland was also one of the first countries that recognized the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948 and established full diplomatic relations with the newly created State of Israel. Unfortunately, following the lead of other countries of the Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc, it cut off the relations in 1967. Poland however was the first Warsaw Pact country to initiate contacts with  Israel again in the mid-1980s. Full diplomatic relations were resumed in 199o. From this moment Poland co-operated with the Israeli Authorities to facilitate Jewish emigration from the former Soviet Union to Israel and was also active in revoking UN Resolution equating Zionism with Racism. Since the resumption of diplomatic relations, Poland has supported the participation of Israel in the MEPP and its relations with the EU and NATO.

    The restoration of diplomatic relations has led to expanding  political, military, economic and cultural cooperation between both countries as well as intensive people-to-people contacts. The political dialogue between both countries has been raised to the level of intergovernmental consultations under the leadership of prime ministers. After this fruitful quarter of century Poland and Israel express satisfaction over their friendly and fruitful relations. Both countries are committed to further strengthening their bilateral co-operation and to solidifying the unique ties between the two societies, based on the almost thousand-year-long relationship between Poland and the Jewish people and resulting from present-day common interest.