PM Netanyahu's remarks in Be'er Sheva 2 Jul 2015

PM Netanyahu's remarks in Be'er Sheva

    We now face two threats - from ISIS and from Iran. We need not strengthen one at the expense of the other. We need to weaken both and prevent the aggression and arming of both.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Thursday, 2 July 2015), made the following remarks at the national cyber center in Be'er Sheva:
    "Up until several months ago, when we said that ISIS was carrying out actions on our borders, people were skeptical. And here we see before our very eyes ISIS operating with unusual brutality on both our northern and southern borders.
    Our hearts are with the Egyptian people and we send our condolences to the Egyptian government and to the families whose loved ones have fallen in the struggle against vicious terrorism. The actions that we have seen from ISIS are nothing compared to the capabilities being built by the Iranian regime. It is clear that nobody in their right mind would give ISIS nuclear weapons. But in the major powers' current talks with Iran they are giving it - this extremist state that is exporting terrorism around the world - the ability to develop an arsenal of nuclear weapons, of very many nuclear bombs along with the means to deliver them - long-range missiles. Therefore, we now face two threats - from ISIS and from Iran.
    We need not strengthen one at the expense of the other. We need to weaken both and prevent the aggression and arming of both. I tell you that in the face of these forces of darkness, which repress human rights, murder people and hang them up in public squares, against these forces we are moving forward here in Be'er Sheva with the cyber park. We see very great progress here in Be'er Sheva; this is a global revolution. While this revolution gives us considerable economic strength, as well as security and military strength, it requires us to leave behind the usual patterns, move on to other things and set forth a vision.
    The vision of Ben-Gurion was correct. Another vision must be added to it, that of commercial development. When commercial interests are joined to these companies, and they can profit, they come here and create growth that we could not even dream about. Here we are receiving all global forces, among them the strongest forces in the global economy, in Be'er Sheva, the Negev and the State of Israel because we created a commercial interest for them. This is a revolution. This will serve all citizens of the State of Israel, all of them without exception.
    The same thing can also be done now with the gas reserves. The gas reserves are a great gift that we have received. A vast quantity of gas is under the seabed. A small part of it has been extracted; a very great part is still in reserves under the sea. We must extract it from there. It is commercial firms that are extracting it. We have seen to it that 60% of their profits will enter into state coffers. We are using this, and will use it, for health, social welfare, education and security. We are talking about hundreds of billions of shekels, not hundreds of millions of shekels but hundreds of billions of shekels in the coming years. We need to see to it that these funds reach us thanks to the gas that reaches us. We proposed an outline, everyone can read it. It is a balanced outline. It is a correct outline. It is an outline that could bring this resource to the State of Israel.
    Therefore, we will continue to advance both the cyber industry here and the extraction of the gas from the sea, both the defense of our borders and cooperation with all countries in the region that want to fend off the darkness and bring about progress.
    Thank you very much. Thank you."