PM Netanyahu on the resignation of William Schabas 3 Feb 2015

PM Netanyahu on the resignation of William Schabas

    After the resignation of the committee chairman who was biased against Israel, the report that was written at the behest of the UN Human Rights Council needs to be shelved. It is Hamas that needs to be investigated, not Israel.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this morning (Tuesday, 3 February 2015), issued the following statement on the resignation of William Schabas:

    "After the resignation of the committee chairman who was biased against Israel, the report that was written at the behest of the UN Human Rights Council - an anti-Israel body, the decisions of which prove it has nothing to do with human rights - needs to be shelved. This is the same council that in 2014 made more decisions against Israel than against Iran, Syria and North Korea combined.

    It is Hamas, the other terrorist organizations and the terrorist regimes around us that need to be investigated, not Israel, which this past summer acted in accordance with international law as it defended itself against the Hamas war criminals who used residents of Gaza as human shields to fire at Israeli citizens. Israel will continue to defend itself against the terrorism that is being directed against it on all fronts."