PM Netanyahu meets with world leaders at Paris conference 30 Nov 2015

PM Netanyahu meets with world leaders at Paris conference

    Israel's position is very strong. People understand that Israel is a major regional force as well as a major global force in technology and cyber. They also understand that we can help in the war on terrorism and radical Islam.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Paris PM Netanyahu meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Paris Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "At this conference I have met with dozens of leaders from around the world, with President Obama, with the Prime Minister of India, with leaders from Africa, with European leaders, Merkel and Cameron, I invited Prince Charles to visit Jerusalem - all world leaders in effect.
    Israel's position is very strong. People are seeking out a close relationship with us. They understand that Israel is a major regional force as well as a major global force in technology and cyber. There is hardly anyone who hasn't spoken with me about this and they also understand that we can help in the war on terrorism and radical Islam. This is strong and genuine. This finds expression in the desire of many leaders, from Australia and in general, to talk and cooperate with Israel."

    PM Netanyahu Meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 30 November 2015), at the climate conference in Paris, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Mr. President. It’s good to see you again. This is our second meeting after our meeting in Moscow, and we also use the telephone to communicate.
    I think that, as you say, the events of recent days prove the importance of our coordination, our de-confliction mechanisms, our attempts to cooperate with each other to prevent unnecessary accidents and tragedies and I believe that we’ve been successful. It’s important.
    Secondly, I think we are engaged in a big battle against militant Islam, the terrorism it spews forward, the savagery, the barbarism. And this is another point of contact in addition to many others that we’re engaged in.
    I hope that Israel and Russia can see eye to eye on all the strategic matters, but I want to assure you that we believe that it’s within our powers to have very good coordination on the ground and in the air so that we do not create the kind of problems that we’ve been experiencing.
    I’m very satisfied by the fact that our militaries have been very careful to coordinate with one another and will continue to do so. I think this is an indication of the openness and the success of the relationship between Israel and Russia, our relationship. It’s good to see you again."
    Russian President Putin: "Distinguished Prime Minister, it’s my pleasure to have a meeting with you on the sidelines of today’s event.
    I remember our detailed talk when you visited me in Moscow.
    Very many dramatic developments, including dramatic ones have been happening globally. But let me start with congratulations on the coming Chanukah holiday. It’s a very good and bright holiday that symbolizes the victory, the triumph of light over dark. And I really hope that in international affairs we’ll have it this way as well.
    We are satisfied with the progress of bilateral relations. And let me note that the mechanism that has been promoted by you and proposed by you presupposes contacts between the militaries to prevent incidents due to the dramatic developments in the region has been efficient. And we also have advances in other spheres as well."
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    PM Netanyahu Meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 30 November 2015), at the climate conference in Paris, met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and invited him to visit Jerusalem.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu: "I’m delighted to see Prime Minister Trudeau. We’ve had a chance to speak on the telephone. Canada and Israel have had superb relations. There’s a foundation there to make these relations even stronger. Very practical things that are of interest to both our peoples, and I look forward to having that conversation with you. Now I’m inviting you to Israel at your earliest opportunity."
    Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau: "Indeed it would be a pleasure to return to Israel when it works out, but in general this is really about starting and continuing… starting a conversation to continue the very strong friendship and relationship between Canada and Israel. We have many issues to talk about, to discuss, but also many issues to collaborate on, and I look forward to continuing the strong friendship that Canada has shown towards Israel for decades, and will continue for ongoing times."

    Prime Minister Netanyahu also met with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm TurnbullJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, French President Francois Hollande, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other world leaders. 
    The meetings were warm and friendly; the war on global terrorism was among the issues discussed.