PM Netanyahu meets with bipartisan US Congressional delegation 4 May 2015

PM Netanyahu meets with bipartisan US Congressional delegation

    Our relationship has been based on two pillars, and even when we have disagreements, they are based on our common need and desire to maintain our alliance and to maintain Israel's security.
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    PM Netanyahu with members of the bipartisan delegation in Jerusalem PM Netanyahu with members of the bipartisan delegation in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 4 May 2015), met with a bipartisan US Congressional delegation led by US Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL). Intelligence Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz also attended the meeting. 
    At the start of the meeting, Prime Minister Netanyahu said: 
    "It's a pleasure to see you and welcome to your delegation. This is a bipartisan delegation and our relationship has been based on those two pillars, Democrats and Republicans alike, on everything, support for Israel, and even when we have disagreements, they are based on our common need, desire to maintain our alliance and to maintain Israel's security."