PM Netanyahu addresses the state memorial ceremony for Theodor Herzl 8 July 2015

PM Netanyahu addresses the state memorial ceremony for Theodor Herzl

    Iran is the greatest threat to world peace. The concessions agreement that Iran is about to receive from the major powers paves the way for it to arm itself with nuclear weapons and deliver them via the missiles it is continuing to develop.
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    PM Netanyahu at the state memorial ceremony for Theodor (Binyamin Zeev) Herzl on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem: PM Netanyahu at the state memorial ceremony for Theodor (Binyamin Zeev) Herzl on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem: Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks yesterday (Tuesday, 7 July 2015), at the state memorial ceremony marking the 111th anniversary of the death ofTheodor (Binyamin Zeev) Herzl on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem:  
    "Iran, the leading patron of terrorism in the world, is squeezing more and more concessions from the major powers. Today, Iran is the greatest threat to world peace. The concessions agreement that Iran is about to receive from the major powers paves the way for it to arm itself with nuclear weapons and deliver them via the missiles that it is continuing to develop. A nd of course, Iran is continuing to disseminate terrorism and is currently building its network in over thirty countries. How can a state that repeatedly violates the decisions of the international community be trusted?! How can Iran be given hundreds of billions of dollars without this money being conditioned on it not being used to grease the wheels of its ramified terrorist machine? Iran's increasing aggression is many times more dangerous than that of ISIS, which is dangerous enough, and the true goal of this aggression in the end is to take over the world."