PM Netanyahu addresses Knesset on security situation 13 Oct 2015

PM Netanyahu addresses Knesset on security situation

  •   Special Knesset session: 14 years since the assassination of Minister Rechavam Ze'evy
    I say to the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority: Do not turn murderers into heroes. If there is further deterioration due to the incitement by Hamas and the Islamic Movement and the Palestinian Authority, you will be held responsible.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the Knesset PM Netanyahu addresses the Knesset Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks today (Tuesday, 13 October 2015), at the special Knesset session to mark 14 years since the assassination of Minister Rechavam Ze'evy:

    "An hour ago, I convened a meeting of the Security Cabinet and senior security establishment officials, to which I will return shortly. Today we will decide on a series of vigorous steps in our fight against the sources of terrorism and incitement. They will be implemented as quickly as possible. Israel will settle accounts with the murderers, those who attempt murder, and all those who assist them. Not only will they not enjoy their privileges, but we will exact from them the full cost. Anyone who raises his hand to harm us - will pay dearly. And we will not hesitate to use all means at our disposal to restore peace to the cities of Israel.

    At the same time, numerous measures are continuing to be implemented on the ground in answer to the current wave of terrorism. I would like to say to the citizens of Israel: We are in a struggle, a struggle for us all, and we will face it together. We knew waves of terrorism in the past and we overcame them. They did not achieve their aim to uproot us from our land, to destroy our country. They will not achieve it this time either. We are focused on our mission to fight the murderers and inciters, and I am confident that the actions we take will lead to the other side's recognition that terrorism does not pay. Its perpetrators will pay the full price, and above all - Israel is strong, and in spite of them it will be here forever.

    I also want to say to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: Stop lying, stop inciting. A true leader must demonstrate responsibility. You must stop the incitement originating from the PA areas, both in regard to the Temple Mount and in respect to the legitimate defensive actions taken by the Israeli security forces and Israeli citizens who are attacked by murderers. You must fight the extremists that make innocent people pay so dearly.

    The mendacious incitement against us continues. An Arab boy fatally wounds a Jewish child, and after that the security forces stopt him and prevent him from continuing on a stabbing spree, and he becomes a martyr supposedly executed unjustly. So first of all, he is not dead, he is alive. Secondly, he was not executed; he was attempting to execute others. He tried to kill and murder, but the exact opposite is presented in a distorted and outrageous manner by your speaker.

    I say to the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority: Do not turn murderers into heroes. If there is further deterioration due to the incitement by Hamas and the Islamic Movement and the Palestinian Authority, you will be held responsible. To stop the malice, to restore peace and stability which both our peoples are in need of, you must do what you are obliged to do - and we will do what we are obliged to do.

    I would like to add a word to the Arabs of Israel: Do not be misled by agitators who want to engulf the country in flames. We live together. We believe in coexistence. It is very easy to unravel the threads that bind us to one another. Do not be enticed to do so. I know there is a large public and community leaders from amongst Arab citizens of Israel who understand exactly what I'm saying. Leaders must find the courage to say these things and to stand up to oppose the extremists and the fanatics. I have called, and call upon once again, to every citizen in Israel - it is forbidden to raise a hand against innocent civilians from either side. Israel is a law-abiding country; whoever takes the law into his own hands will pay the price."