Official opening of Embassy of Zambia in Israel 7 Sep 2015

Official opening of Embassy of Zambia in Israel

    Israel and Zambia are interested in deepening bilateral relations, with emphasis on water, green energy and agriculture. Zambia is in the process of incorporating advanced technologies and sees Israel as a natural partner in its endeavors.
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    Zambian Foreign Minister Harry Kalaba with MFA Director-General Gold at opening of Zambian Embassy in Tel Aviv Zambian Foreign Minister Harry Kalaba with MFA Director-General Gold at opening of Zambian Embassy in Tel Aviv Copyright: Israel MFA
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson's Bureau)

    The dedication ceremony for the Embassy of Zambia in Israel took place on Monday (8 September) in the presence of Zambian Foreign Minister Harry Kalaba and the Director General of Israel's Foreign Ministry, Dr. Dore Gold.

    During his visit in Israel (6-10 September), FM Kalaba  is conducting meetings with Israel's Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy  and Water, the Minister for Social Equality, and the Deputy Foreign Minister. He will also meet with Israeli companies in the fields of agriculture, solar energy and technology, with the aim of promoting cooperation.

    Zambia and Israel enjoy friendly relations. Diplomatic ties between the two countries were renewed in 1991. The previous president of Zambia, Michael Sata, worked during his term of office to open an embassy in Israel. Both countries are very interested in deepening bilateral relations, with an emphasis on promoting cooperation in the fields of water, green energy and agriculture. Zambia is in the process of incorporating advanced technologies and sees Israel as a natural partner in its endeavors.

    At its peak, the Jewish community in Zambia numbered 1000; today, only 30 Jews remain. Recently a museum on the history of Zambian Jewry opened in the city of Livingston. The Jewish community maintains the three Jewish cemeteries in Zambia.

    In the past year, three African states have opened embassies in Israel: South Sudan, Rwanda and Zambia. These states join the 11 African states already represented in Israel, a fact that demonstrates the importance of relations between Israel and Africa and the enhanced cooperation between the states.