Minister of Agriculture Shamir leaves on visit to Argentina and Paraguay 19 March 2015

Minister of Agriculture Shamir leaves on visit to Argentina and Paraguay

    Minister Shamir served as the official representative of the Government of Israel at the 23rd memorial ceremony marking the terrorist attack on the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires.
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)
    Minister of Agriculture Yair Shamir departed for Buenos Aires on Wednesday 18 March 2015, as the official representative of the Government of Israel at the 23rd memorial ceremony marking the terrorist attack on the Israeli Embassy in Argentina.
    Minister Shamir addressed two official ceremonies commemorating the attack: The Jewish community youth ceremony, which was held this year on the evening of 18th March and also the embassy's official ceremony, which was held on Thursday, 19 March at 2 pm (Argentina time).
    The official ceremony took place at Israel Embassy Square, the site of the original embassy building, and began with the sounding of a siren at the exact time the car bomb exploded on 17 March 1992, killing 29 victims and injuring over two hundred people, including diplomats, embassy employees and bystanders. Hundreds of people are expected to attend the ceremony. Senior ministers, members of parliament from Argentina and neighboring countries, senior diplomatic staff and representatives of the Jewish community have been invited to attend. This year, the Israeli Embassy in Argentina has chosen the phrase "terrorism kills us all" as a central motif of the ceremony. The motif was also incorporated in media statements and the ceremony's official publication.
    The Minister of Agriculture is heading a large delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the Head of the Division for Central And South America and the Caribbean, Amb. Modi Ephraim. The arrival of a minister at the head of such a distinguished delegation emphasizes the great importance the Israeli government places on the commemoration of the attack on the embassy, which is a seminal event in the collective memory of the country.
    In addition to his participation in the ceremony, Minister Shamir will hold meetings with the Argentine minister of agriculture, the deputy foreign minister, senior leadership of the local Jewish community, as well as with members of the bereaved families.
    Staff meetings will also be held between members of the MFA delegation and their counterparts in the Argentine foreign ministry.
    Minister Shamir will also visit Asuncion, Paraguay. This will be the first visit of an Israeli minister in Paraguay for many years, and symbolizes the warming bilateral ties between the two countries over the past year, the height of which will be the reopening of the Israeli Embassy in Paraguay in July 2015.
    The minister will head the political dialogue between Israel and Paraguay, which will be centered on political and economic issues and the assessment of cooperation on development and international bodies. Minister Shamir is also expected to meet with representatives of the local Jewish community and to be interviewed by the local press.