MFA Director General Dore Gold at OSCE conference in Jordan 20 October 2015

MFA D-G Gold addresses OSCE conference in Jordan

    D-G Gold: Israel is totally committed to the status quo on the Temple Mount as well as to the peace treaty with Jordan.
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    MFA Dir Gen Gold addresses OSCE conference in Jordan MFA Dir Gen Gold addresses OSCE conference in Jordan Copyright: Israel MFA
    ​(Communicated by MFA Spokesperson’s Bureau)
    The Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Dore Gold, is representing Israel at the OSCE (Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe) conference convening in Jordan with the participation of Arab foreign ministers.
    In his speech, Dr. Gold noted that Israel is totally committed to the status quo on the Temple Mount as well as to the peace treaty with Jordan.
    Dr. Gold stressed the need to combat incitement as part of the fight against the cruel terrorism that is hurting all of the states represented at the conference.
    The Israeli Director General ended his speech with the statement that crisis situations should not be used as an excuse for avoiding dialogue.