Japan-Israel Joint Press Release 20 Jan 2015

Japan-Israel Joint Press Release

    Both sides highly valued the steady development of bilateral relations in all fields, especially areas outlined in the "Japan-Israel Joint Statement on Building a New Comprehensive Partnership" in May 2014.
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    PM Netanyahu with Japanese PM Shinzō Abe PM Netanyahu with Japanese PM Shinzō Abe Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    H.E. Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, made an official visit to the State of Israel on January 18-20, 2015 and attended a summit meeting with H.E. Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel.
    Both sides highly valued the steady development of bilateral relations in all fields, especially areas outlined in the "Japan-Israel Joint Statement on Building a New Comprehensive Partnership" following Prime Minister Netanyahu's official visit to Japan in May 2014. Both sides recognize the concrete achievements in the areas listed below:
    The Director of the Israel Space Agency made the first visit to Japan in June 2014 and exchanged views with Japan’s space-related ministries and agencies.
    The first visit to Israel by the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry took place in July 2014. On that occasion the Israel-Japan Business Forum discussing investment in startup businesses, high-tech research and development and cyber security was held and the Memorandum of Cooperation in the fields of industrial research and development between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and the Ministry of Economy of the State of Israel was signed.
    The Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications made his first visit to Israel in July 2014. This visit strengthened the understanding that ICT plays a key role in sustainable economy growth and socio-economic activities with the Minister of Communications of Israel.
    Japan\s Diet members visited Israel in July 2014 and reaffirmed their desire to increase cooperation between members of the Diet and Knesset.
    The Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Cooperation on Industrial Research and Development between the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization and MATIMOP - The Israel Industry Center for R&D was signed in July 2014.
    In October 2014, the Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the visiting Israeli Minister of Science, Technology and Space exchanged views and affirmed the importance of further science and technology cooperation.
    A Japan Culture Week was held in Jerusalem in October 2014 where various aspects of Japanese culture, including food, were introduced. Israeli cultural activities were also held across Japan.
    An Israel-Japan working session on R&D cooperation, cyber cooperation and trade investment promotion was held during the visit of Israeli business leaders, headed by the Director General of the Prime Minister's Office, to Japan in November 2014.
    The first dialogue between Japan and Israelon cyber security was held in Tokyo in November 2014.
    The Israeli Minister of Education and the Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology exchanged views and ideas, and discussed future cooperation in the field of education and youth exchange during the Israeli Minister's visit to Japan in November 2014.
    The Eighth Strategic Consultation between Japan and Israel was held in Tokyo in December 2014.
    In December 2014, officials from Japan's National Security Secretariat visited Israel and exchanged views with officials from Israel’s National Security Council at the senior officials level.
    The Memorandum of Cooperation Concerning Scientific Cooperation between Japan Science and Technology Agency and the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space was signed in January 2015. They concurred with the implementation of the corroborative research program in the field of ICT.
    Prime Minister Abe welcomed the "Plan to Strengthen Economic Ties and Cooperation with Japan" approved by the Israeli Cabinet earlier this month.
    Both sides emphasized the necessity to continue advancing efforts in the abovementioned areas and to promote cooperation in other areas as follows:
    • Promoting exchanges between the defense establishments of Japan and Israel.
    • Cooperating in the field of new energy and cyber security.
    • Opening an Israeli trade office in Osaka for the Kansai Region.
    • Holding a preparatory meeting for the launch of negotiations on an investment agreement.
    • Holding the seventh Japan-Israel Science and Technology Joint Committee meeting.
    • Holding the seventh economic joint working group meeting.
    • Increasing joint research grants awarded by Israel by 50% in 2015.
    • Advancing plans in Israel for the visit of 500 young leaders from Japan over three years.
    • Promoting two-way tourism by both countries.
    • Advancing mutual efforts to make progress on issues such as direct flights, arrangements for working holidays, etc.
    • Promoting bilateral cooperation and exchanges in the field of sport under "Sport for Tomorrow" programme.
    Both sides also discussed regional issues and affirmed their commitment to continuing to cooperate closely for peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern regions.