Israeli Embassy in Asunción reopened 30 July 2015

Israeli Embassy in Asunción reopened

    The government of Paraguay stood by Israel during Operation Protective Edge and has been supportive of Israel at major international forums.
    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    The Israeli Embassy in Asunción, Paraguay, was reopened on Tuesday 28 July 2015 in the presence of outgoing MFA Director General Nissim Ben-Shitrit and Ambassador Israel Peleg Levy. Paraguay was represented at the opening by Minister of Agriculture Jorge Gattini, the deputy ministers of foreign affairs and industry and other officials.
    The event took place in conjunction with other festive ceremonies, which included the ambassador's credential-presentation ceremony, where he presented his credentials to the President of Paraguay Horacio Cartes on 21 July, and the affixing of a new mezuzah at the Israeli Embassy in Asunción.

    Israel Embassy in Asuncion reopened
    Opening of the Israel Embassy in Asunción
    Copyright: MFA

    The government of Paraguay stood by Israel during Operation Protective Edge, a time when Israel was criticized by many countries. More recently, Paraguay supported Israel at major international forums. Israel cooperates with Paraguay in the battle against terrorism and maintains a supportive role in actions against Hezbollah at the tri-border region.
    The two nations maintain a bilateral free trade agreement within the framework of Mercosur - the South American Common Market.  Sophisticated Israeli risk-prevention systems have been installed at the Itaipú hydroelectric power plant, one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in the world. The bilateral balance of trade stands at $ 200 million. Large-scale meat imports form a large portion of Israel’s trade with Paraguay. Israel maintains close cooperation with Paraguay in the areas of water, agriculture, education and medicine, and recently the Ministers of Agriculture of the two countries exchanged visits and signed agreements of cooperation in the field of agricultural technology.
    The embassy’s reopening represents a full historic circle after the embassy was closed in 2002, along with 15 other embassies around the world, due to budgetary constraints. In July 2013, a month before taking office, the newly elected president of Paraguay announced the opening of the embassy of Paraguay in Israel and appointed Honorary Consul Max Haber as Paraguay's ambassador to Israel.