FM Liberman praises Jordanian King Abdullah 4 Feb 2015

FM Liberman praises King Abdullah for strong action against terrorism

    King Abdullah should be praised for his prompt and forceful action this morning against this act of terror. The leaders of the world must follow King Abdullah's example in combatting terrorism in general, and ISIS in particular.
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    Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman Copyright: MFA
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman extended his condolences to the Kingdom of Jordan and its citizens on the barbaric murder of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS. He stated that the Israeli people, who have been contending with cruel terrorism of all kinds for 66 years, emphathize with the pain of the Jordanian people and support Jordan's harsh and decisive response to the murder.

    FM Liberman noted that "King Abdullah should be praised for his prompt and forceful action this morning against this act of terror, executing a female terrorist whose release ISIS demanded, as well as an al-Qaeda operative, to be followed by the execution of other terrorists incarcerated in Jordan."

    According to FM Liberman, "The leaders of the world must follow King Abdullah's example in combatting terrorism in general, and ISIS in particular, because terrorism cannot be defeated by words but only by forceful action. We cannot conduct negotiations for the release of prisoners or enter into any deals with terrorists. They must be destroyed and eradicated, as King Abdullah has done. The world needs strong leadership dedicated to annihilating Islamic terrorism, including ISIS, Hamas, Hizbullah, al-Qaeda and their partners."