Editorials 18 February 2015

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    The Jerusalem Post comments on inter-racial tensions on the Temple Mount, and states: “The Mount has come to represent an unholy arena where rival traditions stemming from a common ancestor confront each other.” The editor believes that “the Palestinian Authority could take a small step toward reconciliation by carrying out a confidence- building gesture that would help restore an atmosphere of holiness to the Mount,” and adds: “There are many fronts in Israel’s war of survival, but we still have the liberty to choose our battles. Restoring a measure of holiness and mutual respect on the Temple Mount should be one of them.”
    Haaretz attacks the exorbitant expenditure of public funds by the Prime Minister’s household, and states: “This intolerable situation must end.” Calling for an immediate criminal investigation, and asserts: “The proximity to the election should not prevent such a probe. On the contrary, the police should make haste to finish this simple investigation within the next four weeks, so that the conclusions they pass on to the prosecution can also be placed before the voters.”  
    Yediot Aharonot  discusses the recent terror attack in Denmark and calls on Israeli leaders to send “a message of partnership among democracies battling terrorism without sacrificing their democratic values.” The author believes that “the Knesset would be well advised to engage in a joint effort with our friends in Europe to enact laws and define norms that will meet international standards and that perhaps will be adopted by other countries as well,” and concludes: “We in Israel join in sympathy with our Danish friends as they mourn this terrible incident. But we also call on them to join us in helping to lead Europe and the West in an uncompromising war on terrorism, while holding on dearly to our most cherished, democratic values.” 
    Yisrael Hayom criticizes US President Obama for behavior that “is quietly enabling Islamic terrorism and Islamic anti-Semitism to metastasize.” The author further believes that by trying to prevent PM Netanyahu from addressing Congress, “Obama is using all the might of his political office to try to keep the details of this deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran under wraps,” and asks: “If this deal is so good, why is Obama trying so hard to prevent any congressional oversight and going to such great lengths to muzzle any discussion about it?” 
    Globes states: “Ostensibly benign, independent NGOs are effective propaganda tools for those with the means.” Tracing several decisions by governments that were based on information received from NGOs, the author asserts: “all NGOs should be forced not only to reveal funding sources, but to identify who or what is behind some benign-sounding funders.” 
    [Yohanan Plesner, Sarah N. Stern and Norman Bailey wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot, Yisrael Hayom and Globes, respectively.]