Editorials 12 February 2015

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    The Jerusalem Post believes that there is more to the Palestinian Authority’s recent boycott of Israeli products than retaliation for the Israeli government’s decision to freeze the handover of tax and tariff revenue it collects for the PA. The editor asserts that the boycott was “conceived and implemented as an unequivocally antagonistic act against Israel,” and adds: “This is yet another Palestinian breach of the Oslo Accords, which hardly augurs well for the much-vaunted causes of compromise and coexistence.”
    Haaretz supports the “important and justified” campaign initiated by former Minister of Finance Yair Lapid to nationalize the Jewish National Fund, and states: “The secrecy surrounding the Jewish National Fund enables politicians from across the political spectrum to use its resources for their own ends.” The editor declares: “It’s about time that the JNF’s lands, which were acquired by the Jewish people for the Jewish state, once again become the assets of the State of Israel,” and calls for several steps to be taken: “making the JNF’s activities transparent, subjecting it to the scrutiny of the state comptroller and the treasury’s accountant general, severing the problematic ties between the JNF and the political system, and transferring the authority over use of JNF funds to the Israeli government.”
    Yediot Aharonot asserts that by insisting on delivering his speech to Congress, PM Netanyahu is proving that despite his declarations, he “is thinking less about Iran and more about politics – Israeli and American,” and adds: “He is thinking like a Republican governor of a state in the Middle East. The party members are deriving pleasure from the slap in Obama's face. The price will be paid by us.”
    Yisrael Hayom discusses anti-Semitism in Europe, and states that “Without a dramatic change in postmodern, post-liberal Europe's conduct, the 21st century could see the end of the 2,000-year-old European Jewish community.” The author is hopeful that as a result many European Jews will immigrate to Israel, and notes that to do that we must “bolster their Jewish identities there and our efforts to attract them here.”
    Globes op-ed was not available today.
    [Aviad Kleinberg and Natan Sharansky wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot and  Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]