Dep FM Hotovely response to Religious Affairs Minister on Reform Jewry 8 Jul 2015

Dep FM Hotovely response to Religious Affairs Minister on Reform Jewry

    We are in a sensitive period in which maintaining unity within the Jewish world is of paramount importance. Such statements against the Reform community, are not representative of the government's policy and in no way reflect its positions.
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    Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely Copyright: MFA
    (Communicated by the Deputy Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Hotovely's remarks following the comments of the Religious Affairs Minister concerning Reform Jewry:

    "Israel is the home of every Jewish person the world over and is firmly committed to ensuring that Jews of all persuasions feel equally welcome. Controversies between different denominations in no way diminish this commitment. Israel stands by all Jewish communities in the diaspora with no exception.

    We are currently in a sensitive period in which maintaining unity within the Jewish world is of paramount importance. Such statements as these, against the Reform community, are not representative of the government's policy and in no way reflect its positions."