Cornerstone laid for International Pediatric Cardiac Center in Holon 8 Oct 2015

Cornerstone laid for International Pediatric Cardiac Center in Holon

    Even as many extremist elements in our region try to add fuel to the fire and inflame an already explosive situation, this project stands as proof of the efforts of the State of Israel for rapprochement with our neighbors and to bridge the gaps.
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    "Symphony of the Heart" in Tel Aviv, celebrating 20 years of Save a Child's Heart "Symphony of the Heart" in Tel Aviv, celebrating 20 years of Save a Child's Heart Copyright: Save a Child's Heart
    (Communicated by the Regional Cooperation Ministry Spokesman)

    Deputy Regional Cooperation Minister Ayoub Kara, today (Thursday, 8 October 2015), in cooperation with Save a Child's Heart, participated in the cornerstone-laying ceremony for the International Pediatric Cardiac Center at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon and made the following remarks:
    "Over the years, the Regional Cooperation Ministry has supported projects worth millions of shekels. These funds have saved the lives of hundreds of children, from countries in the region, who came to Wolfson Medical Center and underwent vital heart operations. These children came from many countries in the region, most of which do not have diplomatic relations with Israel and some of which are hostile. Over the years, the lives of hundreds of Palestinian, Kurdish Iraqi, Moroccan, Indonesian, and even Syrian and Sudanese, children have been saved thanks to this project, which is considered to be unique in our region. 
    While saving children's lives, regardless of their origin, has always been a blessed precept, we cannot overlook the context of the current security and diplomatic situation in our region. Now, even as the many extremist elements in our region try to add fuel to the fire and inflame an already explosive situation, this project stands as proof of the desire and efforts of the State of Israel for rapprochement with our neighbors and to bridge the gaps. We believe that the children and their families will serve as goodwill ambassadors and will pass on the messages of brotherhood and friendship – that we are sending via such actions – into their native populations."
    Later this evening Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara is due to attend a reception for project supporters hosted by EU Ambassador to Israel Lars Faaborg-Andersen. Deputy Minister Kara will note:
    "The State of Israel respects and honors the participants and the European Union for their efforts in saving children's lives and in advancing and assisting this project. This is proof that the EU recognizes Israel's efforts for rapprochement, paradoxically at a time of expanded regional tensions.
    These days there are numerous extremist elements in our region that only want to add fuel to the fire of an already volatile situation. It is appropriate that projects of this type receive exposure and be presented before a wide international audience, which is capable of lowering tensions and hostilities in the region and can function as a balance against these extremists. I am always willing to appear before the international community to represent this face of Israel."