Cabinet communique 8 November 2015

Cabinet communique

    My conversation with President Obama will center on recent events in the Middle East, and, the strengthening the Israel’s security while maintaining the State of Israel's comparative advantage in the face of a changing Middle East.
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    PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 8 November 2015);
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Today Israel's fifth president, the late Yitzhak Navon, will be laid to rest. He was one of the nation's finest and among its greatest builders. Yitzhak Navon, the scion of the glorious Sephardic Jewish community, dedicated his life to public action on behalf of the people of Israel and the State of Israel. A Haganah veteran, he participated in the war that established the Jewish state and, after independence was achieved, made an outstanding contribution to the diplomatic service and the work of the government.
    Navon served, with dedication and loyalty, as director of the bureaus of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and Prime Minister Moshe Sharett. He left his imprint on the revival of the nation in the first years of the government. Yitzhak Navon's election as president reflected his being a man who emerged from – and lived among – the people. He was imbued with a love of Israel and he worked to bridge between all parts of the nation, between Jewish and non-Jewish citizens. With his personality and his expertise, he used the Arabic language and worked to bridge between Israel and its Arab neighbors, especially Egypt.
    Israel's heritage was his guiding principle as president, especially the heritage of Sephardic Jewish communities, and he also worked to advance this heritage among all parts of the nation as deputy prime minister, minister of education and culture and – of course – as president. I will always remember the clarity of his spoken Hebrew. The love of Jerusalem was embedded deep in his heart; this was the city in which he grew up and lived, and wrote books to which he was deeply linked. He will be remembered as a president who brought people together; his memory will be enshrined in the heart of the nation.
    Immediately after Yitzhak Navon's funeral, I will leave for Washington in order to meet with President Obama. My conversation with the president will center on recent events in the Middle East, including in Syria, possible progress with the Palestinians, or at least stabilizing the situation with them, and, of course, strengthening the security of the State of Israel, which the US has always been committed to, while maintaining the State of Israel's comparative advantage in the face of a changing Middle East and a cycle that changes less.
    I believe that this meeting is important in order to clarify the continuation of American aid to Israel in the coming decade. It will be another step toward realizing an understanding in this direction. I will also meet with US Jewish communities at their annual conference, and with many other American public figures."
    2. Prime Minister Netanyahu noted that 11 November 2015 will mark the second National Patients' Rights Day. He said that every November would be devoted to raising awareness regarding patients' rights, activities on making information more accessible and to realizing medical rights with emphasis on providing information to weaker populations.
    3. Minister Miri Regev, Chairperson of the Ministerial Committee on Symbols and Ceremonies, briefed ministers on the details of the funeral of Israel's fifth president, Yitzhak Navon, who passed away on 6 November 2015.
    4. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to approve the appointment of Betzalel Treiber as head of the Defense Ministry National Emergency Authority. The appointment is for a four-year term, which may be extended for another four years.
    5. The Cabinet discussed negotiations on mutual agreements – between Israel and the People's Republic of China – regarding the issuing of entry permits that are valid for ten years and, to this end, decided to authorize the Foreign Ministry to conduct negotiations with the PRC
    6. The Cabinet discussed the outline on the arrangement with the Jewish National Fund.  
    7. The Cabinet discussed and approved various budgetary outlays stemming from the implementation of coalition agreements.