Cabinet communique 8 March 2015

Cabinet communique

    The deal being formulated will allow Iran a break-out time of one year or less. We will continue to take all possible action to deny the largest terrorist state in the world the ability to produce the most dangerous weapon in the world.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 8 March 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Following my speech to Congress, we heard – over the weekend – several of the major powers' foreign ministers saying that they do not see the need to reach an agreement forthwith and that they will wait until the right agreement is found. I hope that these words will find tangible expression.
    The right agreement is one that links between the lifting of the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program and the cessation of Iran's terrorist actions around the world and, of course, its threats to annihilate Israel. The right agreement is one that extends by years Iran's break-out time to achieve a bomb, given the feasibility of violating the agreement.
    As of now, the deal being formulated between Iran and the major powers will allow Iran a break-out time of one year or less. This assessment is based on the State of Israel's professional intelligence elements, which delivered this assessment to the major powers.
    We will continue to take all possible action to deny the largest terrorist state in the world the ability to produce the most dangerous weapon in the world, a weapon which is aimed – first and foremost – against us."
    Minister Limor Livnat spoke on the occasion of International Women's Day (see #5 below).
    2. The Cabinet approved the following Foreign Service appointments:
    - Yahel Vilan – Ambassador to Kenya and non-resident Ambassador to Uganda, Seychelles, Malawi and Tanzania; and Yahel Vilan – Ambassador to Kenya and non-resident Ambassador to Uganda, Seychelles, Malawi and Tanzania; and
    - Talya Lador-Fresher – Ambassador to Austria and non-resident Ambassador to UNIDO and the CSCE.
    3. The Cabinet discussed rotation arrangements for civil service positions.
    4. The Cabinet discussed compensation arrangements for state actions by the Israel Ports Company.
    5. The Cabinet marked International Women's Day.
    Minister Livnat discussed the wage gap between men and women and noted that half of this year's Independence Day torch lighters will be women (This year's theme will be 'breakthrough achievers').
    Prime Minister Netanyahu and his fellow ministers thanked Minister Livnat for her work to advance the status of women during her years of public service.
    Prime Minister's Office Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women Director Vered Swid briefed ministers on recent advancements in the status of women. She noted – inter alia – that the monthly wage gap has been reduced from 37% (in 2007) to 32% in 2014 while the hourly wage gap currently stands at 15%. Women members of company boards of directors have increased from 23% in 2009 to 40% in 2014. More women are working in senior company, corporate and civil service positions (40.1% of senior civil service positions are currently held by women, as opposed to 28.8% in 2010), in academic positions at various levels and appear on stamps. Swid also noted that in accordance with a Cabinet decision on the issue, 50% of administrative positions will be filled by women.
    Assistant Attorney General Dina Zilber briefed ministers on actions that have been taken to prevent discrimination against women in the public sphere, including gender segregation in academic institutions, signs restricting the movement of women, vandalism of advertisements depicting women, preventing gender separation at HMOs, preventing gender separation at cemeteries, the right of women to give eulogies and preventing discrimination at official ceremonies and public events.