Cabinet communique 8 February 2015

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: We will continue to lead the international effort against Iran's arming itself with nuclear weapons. We will do everything and will take any action to foil this bad and dangerous agreement.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 8 February 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "The major powers and Iran are galloping toward an agreement that will enable Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons, which will endanger the existence of the State of Israel.
    The American Secretary of State and the Iranian Foreign Minister held talks over the weekend. They announced that they intend to complete a framework agreement by the end of March. From this stems the urgency of our efforts to try and block this bad and dangerous agreement. We will continue to take action and to lead the international effort against Iran's arming itself with nuclear weapons. We will do everything and will take any action to foil this bad and dangerous agreement that will place a heavy cloud over the future of the State of Israel and its security."
    2. Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Minister Sofa Landver, Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Ministry Director General Dvir Kahane, Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky and Jewish Agency Secretary General Josh Schwartz briefed ministers on the actions being taken to strengthen and assist Jewish communities around the world.
    At the end of the briefing, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "The State of Israel needs to be prepared for large-scale immigration. We are taking action and must continue to do so that those Jews will come here and not go to other countries. The manifestations of anti-Semitism in various European countries will not be forgotten and will even increase due – inter alia – to the rise of the forces of extremist Islam and additional changes that are taking place there. It must be assumed that the situation will worsen and that pressure on the communities will increase. We are facing a major wave of immigration for which we must be prepared."
    3. The Cabinet discussed and approved draft legislation on reducing the use of cash in the economy.
    4. The discussed and approved draft legislation on electronic check clearing.