Cabinet communique 28 June 2015

Cabinet communique

    It is still not too late to go back and insist on demands that will genuinely deny Iran the ability to arm itself with nuclear weapons and prevent it from receiving vast sums to finance its aggression and the terrorist onslaught it is pushing.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters

    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 28 June 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "The US State Department recently issued its 2014 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. It seems that in parallel with the talks with the major powers, Iran is at the top of the list  – due to the executions, torture, arbitrary political arrests, restriction of freedoms, infringement of freedom of religion, infringement of freedom of justice, Holocaust denial, repression of minorities, persecution of the LGBT community and more.
    This says that all of the claims by various international elements to the effect that the election of Rohani changed the character of the regime; all of these claims are receiving an overwhelming response in this report. This report joins another recent report issued by the American administration, which determined that during the talks with the major powers, Iran has stepped up its aggression in the region; it is arming itself with deadly weapons and the terrorism that it disseminates around the world. Iran tramples on human rights, disseminates terrorism and is preparing a vast military infrastructure while the talks with it – despite the foregoing reports – continue as usual.
    At a time when the entire world is shocked, and rightly so, by the simultaneous terrorist attacks perpetrated by extremist Islam over the weekend in three countries on three continents, it must be recalled that Iran is continuing to assist the Assad regime commit slaughters of a similar magnitude on a daily basis.
    Two days before the final date set for the talks on achieving an agreement between the major powers and Iran, all of these things are being pushed aside. Everything is being ignored despite the publication of official reports. But practically, there is no demand that Iran change its behavior and its violations are being completely overlooked. Its extreme demands, as well as the concessions to Iran, are increasing. We see before our very eyes a pronounced retreat from the red lines that were recently declared – in public – by the major powers. There is no reason to hasten this bad agreement, which is becoming worse by the day. It is still not too late to go back and insist on demands that will genuinely deny Iran the ability to arm itself with nuclear weapons and prevent it from receiving vast sums to finance its aggression, its spreading out and the terrorist onslaught that it is pushing throughout the world.
    Today, we will be briefed on a different report with more encouraging data. According to the Jewish People Policy Institute, the number of Jews in the world has passed 16 million and is approaching – and maybe has already passed -- the number of Jews who lived before the Holocaust. Of course, were it not for the problem of assimilation, the number would grow over the long term. But there is still a certain symbolic value in that the Jewish People has re-attained the number that it had before the awful destruction. The increase in the number of Jews stems – first and foremost – from the increase here in the State of Israel, the state of the Jewish People. The goal that we need to set for ourselves is that soon over half of the Jewish People will live here in the state of the Jews, something which has not happened since Second Temple times.
    Seventy years after the destruction of one-third of our people, we will not allow a regime that denies the Holocaust and openly declares its intention to destroy our state, to have the ability to do so.
    Last week, the Cabinet unanimously approved the expedited development and expansion of the natural gas fields that have been discovered off Israel's coast. I am determined to advance a realistic solution that will bring gas to the Israeli economy. I will not capitulate to populist proposals that will leave the gas deep underground. We have already seen enough countries that succumbed to these pressures and the gas has remained in the ground. This cannot be allowed to happen here.The outline that has been formulated breaks up the monopoly. In the coming decades it will put hundreds of billions of shekels into education, culture, health and many other things for the benefit of all Israeli citizens. After years of discussions, the time has come to decide so that the gas will emerge from the ground and reach the Israeli economy and the citizens of Israel."
    2. Pursuant to the recommendation of Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, the Cabinet decided to appoint Ben-Tzion Sau as acting Commissioner of the Israel Police – effective 2 July, until 1 September, or until a Commissioner will have been appointed, whichever comes first – in place of Yohanan Danino, who is concluding his duties.
    3. The Cabinet approved transferring to itself the Economy Minister's authority under Article 52 of the 1988 Restrictive Trade Practices Act, regarding actions necessary to increase the quantity of natural gas produced at the Tamar field and to quickly develop the Leviathan, Krish, Tanin and other natural gas fields
    4. The Cabinet authorized the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to reapprove the 2015 draft Government Urban Renewal Authority.

    5. Senior Jewish People Policy Institute officials briefed ministers on the institute's annual assessment for 2014-2015, including the need to increase Jewish identity, fight assimilation, take an active approach among Jewish communities, especially young people, in the struggle against alienation from the State of Israel and to step up actions against BDS and the delegitimization of Israel.
    Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky also discussed the need to increase efforts among Jewish young people, especially on campuses, to boost Jewish identity and solidarity with Israel. He also briefed ministers on Jewish Agency actions in this area.
    Click here for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks.
    6. National Economic Council Chairman Prof. Eugene Kandel continued his strategic assessment of the socio-economic situation
    7-11. Pursuant to item #6, the Cabinet decided to adopt Prof. Kandel's assessment, including in regard to strengthening government planning and implementation abilities, economic regional development, boosting human capital, finance infrastructures, preparations or the aging of the population and the 'Digital Israel' project.