Cabinet communique 20 Dec 2015

Cabinet communique

    The Cabinet approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's and Negev, Galilee and Periphery Development Minister Aryeh Deri's plan to integrate the ultra-orthodox population in the civil service.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 20 December 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Negev, Galilee and Periphery Development Minister Aryeh Deri; and Health Minister Yaakov Litzman made the following remarks:
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "I would like to commend the action of civilians and the security forces yesterday in Ra'anana. We must all be on alert at the time; we are in a determined and continuing struggle against terrorism.
    Today, the Cabinet will approve steps to integrate the ultra-orthodox population in the civil service. The integration of all sectors in Israel in the labor market is very important both for them and for the continued economic growth of the State of Israel, to build up its economy and - of course - to reduce the social gaps.
    In the coming days we will also decide on a five-year government plan to aid the Arab population in Israel, in the Arab sector, this includes a broad variety of areas.
    Today, the Cabinet will approve a budget of approximately NIS 1 billion ahead of converting the community of Harish into a city in Israel. I visited there, along with several ministers several weeks ago; this is an outstanding and unparalleled Zionist act. A new city has not been established in many years. This will be a new city along the lines of Modi'in; it will be the beginnings of a city of 50,000 people. I believe that it will grow far beyond this in the future.
    Today, we will also approve expanding preventive free dental care; we are rising the age from 12 to 14. I would like to thank you, Minister Litzman, for the important work in this regard."
    Minister Aryeh Deri: "With G-d's help, table before the Cabinet today is a first-of-its-kind plan in which the government opens the door to the ultra-orthodox population and places them in civil service jobs. The number of ultra-orthodox in the civil service is negligible and this we intend to change - it is a kind of affirmative action.

    For decades I have been hearing complaints from ultra-orthodox that they have been unsuccessful in being accepted to jobs in the public service despite having served in the IDF and having various academic degrees. They are rejected outright for various reasons even at the stage of presenting their resumes. In the framework of the plan that the government will - with G-d's help - approve today, dozens of ultra-orthodox will be integrated into the civil service per annum, to hundreds of positions by 2020.

    The ultra-orthodox will study in various tracks, a kind of cadet's course for ultra-orthodox, and will receive preferential treatment in civil service tenders. This plan, Mr. Prime Minister, has a clear message: The state wants to integrate more and more ultra-orthodox in the civil service. Today, a clear message is going out to the private sector - integrate ultra-orthodox into the labor force. I have no doubt that you will also gain thereby; the ultra-orthodox will gain as will the entire country."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu: "We want to integrate the ultra-orthodox public in both the public and private sectors. We want them to be integrated into the labor market, and today is an important step in that direction."
    Minister Yaakov Litzman: "I am delighted to bring before the Cabinet the dental health plan which raises the eligibility age from 12 to 14. And I want to thank the Prime Minister and Finance Minister, both of whom promoted, pushed and supported this agreement. According to the plan, from 1 January dental care up to age 14 will be free, and each year the age will be increased so that on 1 January  2017 the age will raise to 15, and so on, until the age of 18. Dental health is an integral part of public health and I am glad that it has been approved. It is a budget of NIS 80 million, NIS 40 million each year, but it is for all of Israel. Israeli children will no longer need to be ashamed of not receiving dental treatment."
    2. Science, Technology and Space Minister Ofir Akunis briefed ministers on his visit to China including the advancement of bilateral science and technology initiatives, and the laying of the cornerstone for a branch of the Technion in Shantou, China. The Minister noted that he encountered admiration for Israel by the Chinese government officials with whom he came in contact.
    3. Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev briefed ministers on her visit to Argentina as the representative of the State of Israel at the inauguration of President Mauricio Macri. She reported on the displays of admiration for the State of Israel by senior officials of the new Argentine administration.
    4. Pursuant to Article 8 of the 1994 State Health Insurance Law, the Cabinet authorized the Health Minister, with the agreement of the Finance Minister, to expand the basket of health services such that the services specified in Article 30 of the second annex to the law will, as of 1 January 2016, include children aged 12-14. NIS 80 million will be added to the basket of services as f 1 January 2016.
    5. Pursuant to Article 31b of Basic Law: The Government, the Cabinet approved the Interior Minister's authority under 2014 Municipalities Ordinance regarding the opening and closing of businesses on Shabbat, to the Government. Click here for further details.
    6. The Cabinet approved over NIS 1 billion for the new city of Harish and the implementation of a multi-year plan to develop the city ahead of the anticipated move of thousands of young families in the coming years.
    7. The Cabinet approved various budgetary supplements (security and young families) for local authorities in Judea and Samaria. Click here for further details.
    8. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments) and its 11 May 2008 decision, the Cabinet decided to approve Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked's appointment of Tomer Moskowitz as Director of the Justice Ministry Enforcement and Collection Authority, for five years with the possibility of an additional three years.
    9. The Cabinet approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's and Negev, Galilee and Periphery Development Minister Aryeh Deri's plan to integrate the ultra-orthodox population in the civil service. These recommendations include a series of steps, the goal of which is to increase the representation of the ultra-orthodox population in the civil service and ensure that the civil service will receive the outstanding candidates from amongst the ultra-orthodox population. Implementation of the recommendations will lead to the annual integration of over 150 academic employees from the ultra-orthodox population in the civil service in the coming years.