Cabinet communique 2 August 2015

Cabinet communique

    We recently witnessed two abhorrent crimes. We are determined to vigorously fight manifestations of hate, fanaticism and terrorism from whatever side. This is a matter of basic humanity and is at the foundation of our enlightened Jewish values.
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    PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 2 August 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "We recently witnessed two abhorrent crimes. Our policy toward these crimes is zero tolerance. I have instructed security and law-enforcement officials to use all legal means at their disposal to apprehend the murderers and deal with the stabber and the arsonists to the fullest extent of the law. We are determined to vigorously fight manifestations of hate, fanaticism and terrorism from whatever side. The fight against these phenomena unites us all. This is not a struggle by this or that faction. This is a matter of basic humanity and is at the foundation of our enlightened Jewish values.
    I remember as a child, when I would visit on Shabbat the home of my father's great teacher, Professor Joseph Klausner, among the Jewish People's greatest historians in the modern era, over his door were etched two words: 'Judaism' and 'humanity'. They are combined and are mutually supportive. This is what distinguishes us from our neighbors. We deplore and condemn these murderers. We will pursue them to the end. They name public squares after the murderers of children. This distinction cannot be blurred or covered up. It is important to say this even as we utter our condemnations and unite against the criminals among our people."
    2. The Cabinet took its leave from outgoing National Economic Council Chairman Prof. Eugene Kandel.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "Eugene Kandel has made an exceptional contribution in fashioning the economic policy of the state. It is very easy to implement an erroneous policy that would be liable to harm the national economy. It is much more difficult to have an economic policy that brings achievements and growth. Therefore, the achievements of the economic policy that we led in recent years, with the help and guidance of Eugene and his staff are even more significant. Eugene has made a genuine contribution in formulating economic policy and I thank him for it. We did not actually accomplish everything we set out to. For example, we have not freed ourselves of the dependence on oil for transportation. But Eugene succeeded in outlining a clear policy that the government has followed. It is difficult to set a clear line and follow it over time but Eugene succeeded in doing so, quietly and with an abiding inner conviction. I am certain that all ministers will attest to the great assistance has given them."
    3. The Cabinet took its leave of the outgoing head of the National Information Directorate, Liran Dan, who is currently finishing his term.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "Liran has served her four years. He arrived as an untiring energizer full of new ideas. He worked with exemplary coordination with the other government spokespersons, including the IDF Spokesperson, the Foreign Ministry and other agencies. Liran had a very important part in leading the public diplomacy of the State of Israel in a difficult period. In cooperation with other elements, Liran led the country's media struggle, mostly under considerable pressure. Liran always kept his cool and was focused on the goal – leading the fight for truth and instilling complex messages. Making things simpler is an intellectual task and met this mission."
    4. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet appointed Eliezer Yablon as Director General of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services.
    5. The Cabinet decided to appoint Avigdor Yitzhaki as chairman of the housing directorate.
    6. The Cabinet discussed assistance to the tourism industry.
    7. Bank of Israel Governor Dr. Karnit Flug briefed ministers on budgetary and deficit issues.