Cabinet communique 18 October 2015

Cabinet communique

    In the face of the wave of terrorism, we are taking an aggressive and methodical approach. Today we will discuss actions against incitement, including the Islamic Movement, which is among the leading inciters, and its sources of finance.
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    PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting PM Netanyahu at Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 18 October 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "In the face of the wave of terrorism, we are taking an aggressive and methodical approach – reinforcements, backing for our forces, deterrent measures and punitive measures. Today we will begin to discuss actions against incitement, including the Islamic Movement, which is among the leading inciters, and its sources of finance.
    Israel cannot accept the French draft resolution at the United Nations Security Council. It doesn’t mention Palestinian incitement; it doesn’t mention Palestinian terrorism; and it calls for the internationalization of the Temple Mount.
    Well, we've seen across the Middle East – in Palmyra, in Iraq, throughout Iraq and elsewhere how the militant Muslims blast each other's mosques to the sky. We've just seen it in a Jewish holy site, Joseph's Tomb. Only Israel, Israel alone, is the guarantor of the holy sites on the Temple Mount.
    The reason the status quo has been violated is not because we changed it. We didn’t change anything. The orders of prayer, the visiting rights have not changed for the last 15 years. The only thing that's changed are Islamist hoodlums paid by the Islamist Movement in Israel and by Hamas, who are entering the mosque and try to put explosive [unclear]and from there emerge and attack Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, and Christian visitors. That's the only change in the status quo.
    Israel is not the problem on the Temple Mount. Israel is the solution. Israel will protect the holy sites, will guard the status quo. Israel is the only party doing so and will continue to do so – responsibly and seriously."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu also addressed the issue of deregulation, or, "actions against excessive government and regulatory bureaucracy." He also wished Israel's university and college students well in the new academic year, which starts today.
    2. Pursuant to Article 11A(iv) of the 1962 Druze Religious Courts Law, the Cabinet appointed Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara as a member of Druze religious courts judge selection committee (in addition to Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked who serves on the committee by right of her ministry).
    3. The Cabinet discussed – and approved the draft version of – the 2015 Second Broadcasting Authority Law.
    4. The Cabinet discussed – and approved draft amendments to legislation regarding – police authority to conduct searches.
    6. Prime Minister's Office Director General Eli Groner and Deputy Director General for Administrative and Social Affairs Ehud Prawer briefed ministers on the regulatory burden in Israel relative to other countries and detailed steps being taken by the Government to significantly reduce the existing regulatory burden.
    Health Ministry Deputy Director General for Medical Technologies Dr. Osnat Luxemburg briefed ministers on Health Ministry actions to simplify regulation vis-à-vis drugs, cosmetics and medical equipment.
    7. The Cabinet discussed a plan to reduce the regulatory burden  regarding the registration of building contractors.
    8. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, Israel Police Acting Inspector General  Ben-Tzion Sau and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat briefed ministers on the situation in Jerusalem in light of the steps being taken following the recent wave of terrorism.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu briefed ministers on the steps that have been taken following recent Security Cabinet decisions.