Cabinet approves development plan for Druze and Circassians 7 Jun 2015

Cabinet approves development plan for Druze and Circassians

    The Cabinet approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon's proposal for a NIS 2 billion five-year (2015-2019) plan for the development of Druze and Circassian communities.
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    Cabinet approves development plan for Druze and Circassians Cabinet approves development plan for Druze and Circassians Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    The Cabinet, at its weekly meeting today (Sunday, 7 June 2015), approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon's proposal for a NIS 2 billion five-year (2015-2019) plan for the development of Druze and Circassian communities. This is a multi-year plan that was formulated by the previous government. Along with the first part of the plan, which was approved last December, the plan has an overall budget of approximately NIS 2.2 billion, three times more than the NIS 680 million 2011-2014 plan.
    The achievements of the 2011-2014 plan may be seen in various fields, including higher matriculation rates, a reduction in employment and income gaps, public transportation, etc.
    The Druze and Circassian population numbers approximately 140,000. The communities included in the plan are Abu Sinan, Beit Jann, Julis, Daliat Al-Carmel, Hurfeish, Yanuah-Jat, Yarkha, Kisra-Samia, Kafr Kama, Majar, Sajur, Ein Al-Assad, Isfiya, Peki'in, Rama and Reihaniye.
    The plan is the first part of a much broader five-year plan formulated over the past six months by outgoing Prime Minister's Office Director General Harel Locker. The inter-ministerial plan includes projects by the Prime Minister's Office as well as by the Finance, Education, Economy, Construction and Housing, Transportation and Road Safety, National Infrastructures, Tourism, Social Affairs and Social Services, Interior, Public Security, Health, Agriculture, and Negev and Galilee Development ministries.
    In the context of the plan, the government will invest exclusive resources in Druze and Circassian communities including in the following areas:
    Education – NIS 350 million will be invested in expanding formal and informal education, including primary and secondary education and making higher and adult education more accessible. Resources will also be invested in improving infrastructures and building new classrooms and kindergartens.
    Social welfare and community – Over NIS 270 million will be invested in expanding services and infrastructure, youth programs, anti-violence education, cultural and sports activities, and health clinics.
    Employment – Approximately NIS 220 million will be invested in developing industrial zones, aiding small and medium-sized businesses and guidance and training.
    Tourism – Approximately NIS 60 million will be invested in developing infrastructures and branding.
    Planning budgets and the development of public structures – Over NIS 700 million will be invested in detailed planning that will facilitate the future community development, and public buildings and infrastructures including the development of older neighborhoods, religious structures, houses of prayer, cemeteries and holy sites.
    Transportation – NIS 175 will be invested in improving infrastructure (including junctions, traffic circles and lighting).
    The Cabinet decided to approve raising the subsidy for developing plots of land for discharged soldiers from 75% to 90% of the costs. This is in continuation of last July's agreement between the Finance Ministry, Construction Ministry and the Israel Land Authority.
    NIS 200 million will be invested this year in strengthening Druze and Circassian local councils.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "We are giving strong assistance and we must see to it that it is effective and indeed helps local councils to assist their residents in a serious manner and to move forward however possible. We are committed to this. You represent an entire public that fights and sacrifices for the State of Israel. I think that this is not only a duty but a privilege, to allocate government resources in order to help this public, especially the young people, so that they might have a better future in their communities and in the country. In my visits to the villages, in the meeting that we had there last year with community leaders, I was struck by the gap that had been created and which we need to close. I am committed to the Druze public in many ways. I am also committed to integrating it into Israeli society, to closing the gaps and to affording the young people who defend our state a better future in our state."
    Finance Minister Kahlon said, "I am pleased that the Druze leadership and the heads of Druze and Circassian local councils showed great openness and understanding vis-à-vis the proposed outline. I spoke with senior Druze and Circassian leaders and I pointed out that these were not vain assurances. The Government of Israel fully intends to bear the costs of the plan and carry it through. Approximately NIS 200 million will be transferred this year. Another approximately NIS 2 billion will be budgeted through the end of 2019. We will set up a special agency to monitor the implementation of this decision."
    Minister Gila Gamliel said, "The transfer of budgets for education, employment and infrastructures are a necessary step that underscores the bond between us. My ministry is currently planning additional steps for the benefit of this population in parallel with other minority groups in Israel. These steps will assist these groups economically and will lead to their integration into Israeli society."
    Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara said, "This is a national and social need of the highest order. I think that very considerable work has been done here and I am very pleased that today we will embark on a new path."
    Druze and Circassian Local Council Heads Forum Chairman Jaber Hamed said, "On behalf of all our communities, I would like to say that that this Government decision is unprecedented. Working together is the secret of its success and will lead to tangible results."