PM Netanyahu meets with Google and Yahoo senior officers 24 Jan 2014

PM Netanyahu meets with Google and Yahoo senior officers

  •   Google VP and Chief Business Officer Nikesh Arora; Yahoo President and CEO Marissa Mayer
    The Prime Minister presented the advantages of investing in Israeli technology and discussed the leading position of cyber technologies.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Yahoo President and CEO Marissa Mayer PM Netanyahu meets with Yahoo President and CEO Marissa Mayer Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, attending the 2014 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, met with Google Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer Nikesh Arora (Friday, 24 January 2014) and said that he would welcome the expansion of cooperation between the State of Israel and Google. The Prime Minister also noted the sale of Waze to Google last year and was shown a Google Glass.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu said that in the new world there were many far-reaching opportunities, as well as problems that created opportunities. He added that the problem of defense was the biggest facing the Internet and noted that Israel had solutions to offer in this area.

    Google Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer Arora said that he was impressed by the innovativeness of Google's people in Israel and added that they were making wonderful products not just for Israel but for the entire world.

    The government approved the Digital Israel project last month in order to find innovative ways to provide digital services to the public via the use of advanced technologies that allow for the rapid transfer of high-volume content over a fiber-optic (or other) infrastructure.

    The initiative will facilitate public links with, and accessibility to, the education, health and social welfare systems in the State of Israel while reducing geographic and social gaps, thus drawing the periphery closer to the center. In the future, the initiative will be expanded to other relevant government ministries.

    The initiative will also promote the infusion of technological tools in both the business and public sectors, including in small businesses by (inter alia) encouraging online commerce and sharing information, reducing bureaucracy and using online means to improve public service efficiency without having to leave one's home. The initiative is being led by the Prime Minister's Office, including Director General Harel Locker and Deputy Director General Yossi Catribas.

    Earlier in the week (Wednesday, 22 January 2014), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Yahoo President and CEO Marissa Mayer and told her that whereas major powers were once measured in terms of territory, today they are measured by the number of unique users.  The Prime Minister presented the advantages of investing in Israeli technology and discussed the leading position of cyber technologies. He also asked what he could do to increase Yahoo's investments in Israel and said that he would like Yahoo to increase its presence in, and partnership with, Israel. Mayer thanked him for his remarks and said that she expects to visit Israel this coming July.

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