FM Liberman inaugurates Tel Aviv-Nairobi route 19 Jun 2014

FM Liberman inaugurates Tel Aviv-Nairobi route

    The route, halted after the 2002 terror attack in Mombasa, represents the victory of life over terrorism.
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    FM Liberman inaugurates Tel Aviv-Nairobi route FM Liberman inaugurates Tel Aviv-Nairobi route Copyright: MFA free usage
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    On Thursday, June 19, 2014 Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade Amina Mohamed inaugurated the Tel Aviv-Nairobi air route, which will operate five times weekly beginning in October 2014. In addition to strengthening the relations between Israel and Nairobi and enhancing tourism between the two countries, the direct flights between Tel Aviv and Nairobi will also provide a transfer point for those flying from other African countries to Israel and from Israel to Africa.

    FM Liberman said at the ceremony that the route, halted after the 2002 terror attack in Mombasa, represents the victory of life over terrorism.