Editorials 7 April 2014

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    (Israel Government Press Office)
    Yediot Aharonot suggests that the security forces, noting the political composition of the governing coalition, are not overly zealous in pursuing the perpetrators of 'Price-Tag' actions and, citing "a former senior ISA official," claims that "In nine out of ten instances of disturbances by Jews in Judea and Samaria, the ISA knows who is responsible for the reprehensible acts." The author says: "The idea that 'Price-Tag' actions against Palestinians and IDF commanders severely damage the State of Israel and settlement in Judea and Samaria is contemptuously rejected by the perpetrators and those who are close to them," because "They see themselves as modern-day sicarii who know better than anyone what is good for the State of Israel." The paper calls on the government and the security forces to crack down on those who perpetrate 'Price-Tag' actions and make clear to them "the spirit of law and democracy in Israel."
    Yisrael Hayom notes that Tel Aviv University has rescinded its invitation to convicted terrorist Mohammed Kanaane to speak on campus and asserts: "One must remind those in academia that when it comes to a dialogue with terrorism, the principle of freedom of expression lacks any meaning since terrorism fundamentally denies it."
    The Jerusalem Post comments: “There are no easy choices in Egypt: On one side is the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood that was deposed in July 2013; on the other is the military junta headed by [Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-] Sisi, which is hardly liberal.” The editor states: “Undeniably, the ouster of Morsi and his replacement with a military regime has served Israel’s interests,” and notes that while military cooperation between the two countries has improved tremendously, and the Egyptian government shares Israel’s concerns over Hamas’s rule in Gaza and the terrorist organization’s links to al-Qaida-affiliated groups operating in Sinai, nevertheless, “Israel, a country that champions democratic values, has no interest in being identified with Sisi’s repressive regime.”
    Haaretz criticizes the exorbitant amount of resources spent by Israel Police chasing marijuana users, and asserts: “The Israel Police should focus on more urgent issues than hunting down pot smokers.”
    [Eitan Haber and Elena Grynszpan wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively. There was no print edition of Ma'ariv today.]