(Israel Government Press Office)
Two papers comment on the state of the peace process:
Yediot Aharonot believes that "The American attempt at mediation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority over the continuation of the talks toward some sort of agreement is on its last drop of fuel," and predicts that US Secretary of State John Kerry will soon give up. The author cautions that "It seems that America's revenge will be felt in the future," and warns: "America does not forget; America does not forgive." The paper says that, in practice, the current government is as opposed to a two-state solution, "which would mean the collapse of the dream of settling in Judea and Samaria," as it is to a binational state.
Yisrael Hayom dismisses Mahmoud Abbas's threat to dissolve the Palestinian Authority and contends that "Jibril Rajoub, Muhammad Dahlan and even Marwan Barghouti have not waited until 2014 in order to let a transitional leader smash their dream of succeeding him, to give up on the ruler's seat in Ramallah and the royal honors and red carpets around the world, and mainly not to give up on the donations from around the world to those who eat for free. Abu Mazen can leap to his oblivion, but the political family around him will not be dragged along with him. He lacks the power to dissolve the Palestinian Authority."
The Jerusalem Post comments on the
Mimouna celebrations around Israel, traditionally held on the day after the week-long Passover festival, and calls on the Knesset to pass legislation that would make the day an official holiday, “so that we may all taste the treats of Moroccan Jews together, as one people.”
Haaretz states that “The recent confrontations on the Temple Mount between the police and Palestinian demonstrators serve as a reminder that the site is like a barrel of explosives that must be handled with wisdom and sensitivity, lest the entire region be ignited,” and adds: “Any unilateral action on this site, holy to the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims, is a surefire recipe for violent confrontation with the Islamic states and for severe tensions with the West.” The editor asserts: “Israel already knows from experience that political fights can easily escalate and become much more dangerous when they take on the hues of a religious war,” and calls on Prime Minister Netanyahu to “state clearly and firmly that Israel has no intention of breaking the agreements, in order to eliminate the threat of confrontation.”
[Eitan Haber and Dan Margalit wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]