UK Foreign Secretary Hague meets PM Netanyahu and Pres Peres May 2013

UK Foreign Secretary Hague meets PM Netanyahu and Pres Peres

    Netanyahu: "Despite the economic and diplomatic pressure, the international community has so far been unable to prevent Iran from pursuing its nuclear weapons program."
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    PM Netanyahu with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague in Jerusalem PM Netanyahu with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO

    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UK Foreign Secretary William Hague Thursday, 23 May 2013), made the following remarks at the start of their meeting:

    Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Secretary Hague, I am pleased to welcome you in Jerusalem.
    First, I want to express my solidarity and the solidarity of the people of Israel with the government and people of Britain following this horrific terrorist attack against a British serviceman in London. We wish to send condolences to the family and to the people of Britain.
    We’ve experienced such horrors here, and we sympathize deeply. We both are facing this battle against this savagery and this terrorism in our own countries and throughout the world.
    Mr. Secretary,
    The just released report of the International Atomic Energy Agency shows clearly that Iran is continuing to expand its nuclear enrichment program.
    In parallel, it’s working on a heavy-water reactor to build a plutonium-based bomb.
    So it’s clear that despite the economic and diplomatic pressure, the international community has so far been unable to prevent Iran from pursuing its nuclear weapons program.
    Obviously, this is the biggest challenge facing us. I think it’s the biggest challenge of our time, and I look forward to discussing this with you, as well as the unraveling situation in Syria which is causing horrible human tragedies, but also potentially destabilizing the entire region.
    And I also look forward to discussing with you also our efforts right now with Secretary Kerry to revitalize the peace process.
    I’m sure these are enough for many meetings. But, put it this way: I think that we have a lot on our plate, and I look forward to working with you to achieve these goals of security, peace and stability in our area and beyond.
    Welcome to Jerusalem."
    UK Foreign Secretary Hague: "Thank you very much Prime Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you very much indeed, and thank you Prime Minister for your condolences, and those expressed by many other people in Israel today on the terrible murder that happened yesterday in London. As our Prime Minister has said this morning: We will never give in to terror in the United Kingdom, and we know the importance of defeating terrorism. That is well understood here in Israel as well.
    I’m looking forward to discussing with the Prime Minister the whole range of international issues including all of the issues that he has just mentioned. Israel is an important friend and strategic partner for the United Kingdom and we are strongly committed, as you know, to the security of Israel. I look forward to discussing with the Prime minister our cooperation in that area, including the very strong concerns that we have of about the nuclear program of Iran. We pursue the approach of sanctions and negotiations but nobody should doubt our resolve in these matters. And it is important that we discuss the latest reports and developments today and of course we must discuss the crisis in Syria. I’ve come from meetings in Jordan with Secretary Kerry and the foreign ministers of nine other nations and with the Syrian National Coalition, as we attempt to make some progress to a political resolution in Syria.
    And of course the Middle East peace process is also an urgent priority for the United Kingdom and the world and we welcome the very strong commitment shown by President Obama on his recent visit here and by Secretary Kerry who is here again showing once again his great energy and commitment on this issue.
    So my visit is in support of those efforts and to discuss the contribution and assistance the United Kingdom can provide. We urge all parties to move the process forward and to really give the bold and decisive leadership that will allow success to happen and avoid steps that undermine it.
    And I welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu’s clear commitment to a two-state solution and to work to achieve peace. We think, as President said two months ago, peace is necessary and just and possible. And so I look forward to discussing all of those issues with the Prime Minister and his colleagues today."
  • President Peres meets with British Foreign Secretary William Hague


    ​(Communicated by the Office of the President)

    President Peres meets with British Foreign Secretary William Hague
    Photo: GPO/Mark Neiman

    President Shimon Peres, met on Friday morning (24 May 2013) with British Foreign Secretary William Hague. President Peres conveyed his condolences, and those of the State of Israel, for the attack yesterday in London. The two discussed the changes in the Middle East, ways to restart the peace process with the Palestinians, the Iranian nuclear threat, the situation in Syria and strategic relations between Israel and Britain.
    President Peres began by saying, "I'm really glad to see you here, you made your positions extremely clear on the major issue, on Iran, on terror, on the need to move forward with the peace process and we feel your friendship and understanding. I think our relations are in a good shape and I'm glad you added scientific cooperation to it. Trade and investment between our two countries is flourishing. Your visit is timely and important. In spite of all the difficulties the time is right for peace. I can see positive developments on our side, on the Palestinian side and on the Arab side. I think that Arab Initiative is a departure from a strategy of war to a strategy of peace, which is important. I see that quietly things are moving."
    President Peres expressed his condolences for the attack in London and said, "I want to express our sympathy to the family of the soldier who was so brutally killed. We know what it is like and our hearts are with you. I sent a letter to Her Majesty expressing our sympathy and support."
    Foreign Secretary Hague addressed the peace process and said, "It is a crucial time in the entire region with the Iranian nuclear program, the tragic situation in Syria and our hope that we can through supporting Secretary Kerry and his work really help to make some decisive moves forward for permanent peace. The United Kingdom will do what it can to assist with this process, in the hope that all the great opportunities of this region can be fully realized in the next generation."
    Foreign Secretary Hague also addressed relations between the two countries and said, "You are right that relations are good. There is a tremendous amount of very good bilateral work going on. I was very pleased to sign the agreement yesterday, the memorandum with the Minister of Science on expanding our cooperation , our academic and scientific cooperation, in this case particularly in the field of regenerative medicine and there are plans to do more in nanotechnology and space science. It's a very exciting part of our bilateral relations."