President Peres meets with Swiss FM Burkhalter 5-May-2013

President Peres meets with Swiss FM Burkhalter

    Iran is the gravest threat to human rights in the world today. I am convinced by Switzerland's goodwill and fairness. Countries like Libya and Iran cannot judge Israel.
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    President Peres meets with Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter President Peres meets with Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)

    President Shimon Peres, this morning (Sunday, 5 May 2013), at his Jerusalem residence, held a diplomatic working meeting with Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter. The two discussed the changes in the Middle East, ways to renew the peace process and the strengthening of relations between the two countries particularly in the fields of science and security.

    At the beginning of the meeting President Peres addressed the changes in the Middle East and the important of strengthening the relations between the countries and said, "Welcome to Israel. Switzerland and Israel have excellent cooperation in many fields including science, research, security and the fight against terrorism. Terror has no policy except terror. Terror has no respect for borders, no respect for international law. Switzerland is not neutral when it comes to terrorism. We also greatly appreciate your involvement in the peace process. Peace can bring balance and stability back to the Middle East."

    Swiss Foreign Minister Burkhalter thanked President Peres for the warm welcome and said in Hebrew that Switzerland and Israel are good friends. Mr. Burkhalter continued and said that the visit was important for Switzerland and his country attached great importance to understanding of Israel's security situation and that they would continue to strengthen relations between the countries. He also emphasized that Switzerland would not be neutral when it comes to terrorism and condemns terror completely.

    President Peres and Swiss Foreign Minister Burkhalter discussed the importance of the peace process with the Palestinians. President Peres said, "Israel wants to restart the dialogue with the Palestinians, but we must demand the minimum – an end to terror and violence towards Israel's citizens. Israel left Gaza completely and removed the settlers from their homes and so we ask, why do they shoot?"

    Mr. Burkhalter expressed his belief that there is a window of opportunity for renewing peace talks and added that Switzerland would be willing to contribute in whatever way it could to the talks and to finding a solution to the conflict based on two states for two peoples. He also raised the issue of Israel's involvement with the United Nations Human Rights Council and said that it is important to find a way for Israel to cooperate with the council. President Peres responded that Israel attaches great importance to human rights and said, "Iran is the gravest threat to human rights in the world today. Iran is a center of terror, is developing nuclear weapons and hangs people in the street. I am convinced by Switzerland's goodwill and fairness. Countries like Libya and Iran cannot judge Israel."