President Peres delivers message to Jordan on Jerusalem Day 8-May-2013

President Peres delivers message to Jordan on Jerusalem Day

    Peace with Jordan is dear to us. We respect all the holy sites of all religions and will do everything necessary to protect them.
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    President Peres delivers address on Jerusalem Day 2013 President Peres delivers address on Jerusalem Day 2013 Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)

    In light of the recent events on the Temple Mount and the meeting of the Jordanian parliament which voted to expel the Israeli ambassador from Jordan and recall the Jordanian ambassador from Israel, President Simon Peres, today (Wednesday, 8 May 2013), sent a message to the leadership of Jordan.

    At a speech at the state ceremony to mark the unification of Jerusalem and in memory of the soldiers who fell in the battle for the city, President Peres stressed Israel's commitment to the agreements between the two countries:

    "Jerusalem is dear to us. Peace with Jordan is dear to us. I want to say loudly and clearly that we respect all the holy sites of all religions and will do everything necessary to protect them as agreed between us. The peace agreement between us was the aspiration of the soldiers who fought here. The peace that was agreed between us is the dream of all Jews, Muslims and Christians as one. The whole world knows that when we heard voices of peace from Jordan and Egypt we did not delay, we did not hesitate and we stretched out our hand in peace."

    President Peres continued and addressed the importance of peace and of Jerusalem for all three monotheistic religions:

    "Jerusalem has mosques and churches, Israel protects and will protect them all. Israel will protect all of Jerusalem, old and new, friends and strangers. Israel will protect their freedom and security. You can hear the same prayer from the Western Wall, from the mosques and from the churches for peace in our ancient, holy city. Peace between countries. Peace between religions. Peace between nations. Our ears are open to peace. We know that our army can protect us from any threat and no threat will weaken our desire for peace."