Meeting of Bilateral Permanent Working Commission: State of Israel and the Holy See

Meeting of Bilateral Permanent Working Commission: State of Israel and the Holy See

    The Commission took notice that significant progress was made and looks forward to a speedy conclusion of the Agreement.

    Joint Communique

    The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the State of Israel and the Holy See met today, 29 January 2013, in Jerusalem, at the Plenary level, to continue negotiations pursuant to the Fundamental Agreement Art. 10 paragraph 2.

    The meeting was headed by Mr. Daniel AYALON, M.K., Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and by Msgr. Ettore BALESTRERO, Under-Secretary of the Holy See for the Relations with States.

    The Holy See's delegation thanked Deputy Foreign Minister Ayalon for his contribution to the negotiations and wished him success in his new endeavors.

    The negotiations took place in a thoughtful and constructive atmosphere. The Commission took notice that significant progress was made and looks forward to a speedy conclusion of the Agreement.

    The Parties have agreed on future steps and to hold the next Plenary meeting in June 2013 at Vatican City.