Israel and EU sign aviation agreement 13 Jun 2013

Israel and EU sign aviation agreement

    Over the next five years all EU airlines will be able to operate direct flights to Israel from anywhere in the EU and Israeli carriers will be able to operate flights to airports throughout the EU.
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    Israel and EU sign aviation agreement Israel and EU sign aviation agreement Copyright: Delegation of the European Union to Israel

    (Delegation of the European Union to Israel)

    Israeli Minister of Transport Israel Katz, and Irish Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, President-in-Office of the Council of the EU Leo Varadkar, signed on Monday (13 June 2013) a comprehensive air transport agreement which will gradually open up and integrate the respective markets, develop an aviation area with common rules, offer economic benefits for consumers and new opportunities for the industry.

    Under the agreement, all EU airlines will be able to operate direct flights to Israel from anywhere in the EU and Israeli carriers will be able to operate flights to airports throughout the EU. The EU-Israel air transport market will be opened gradually over the next five years so that by 2018, the market will be fully open with no restrictions on the number of flights. This shift is expected to strengthen economic, trade and tourism relations between Israel and the EU.

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