Editorials 7 July 2013

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    (Israel Government Press Office)
    Three papers discuss events in Egypt:
    Ma'ariv reminds its readers that "Egypt has been ruled by centralized dictatorships for over 7,000 years," and adds: "A quick transition from dictatorship to a democratic regime was imaginary almost to the point of impossibility."  The author says: "For 60 years, the military has been the backbone of administration in Egypt."
    Yediot Aharonot discusses the situation in Sinai and contends that "The millions who went out into the streets in Cairo have given the green light to the resumption of fighting in Sinai." The author notes that "Israel has lifted additional restrictions that appear in the military annex of the peace agreement and enabled the Egyptian military to use heavy means, such as the Apache helicopters that are working out of the El-Arish airfield," and says: "In practice, it seems that the Egyptians will receive whatever they ask for and will take care to coordinate, thanks to the satisfaction in Israel over the determination that they are showing in Sinai."
    Yisrael Hayom cites Israeli assessments to the effect that "The Muslim Brotherhood will not succeed in eroding the legitimacy of the move carried out by the military though the a large number of casualties over time is certainly liable to make things difficult vis-à-vis attempts to stabilize the situation." The author speculates that the IDF will boost its presence along the Egyptian border in an effort to guard against the possibility of Sinai-based jihadists seeking to perpetrate a large-scale terrorist attack in Israel.
    The Jerusalem Post censures the in-your-face style of dissidence that has become increasingly common and more radicalized through the years in Israel – particularly as demonstrations are commonly held outside a senior official’s home - and asserts: “Demonstrators can rail against whomever outside the office but not at home. The right to protest is not the right to terrorize, intimidate and harass.”
    Haaretz discusses the seclusion of disabled people in Israeli society, and notes that “the number of such people living in institutions in Israel is three to four times greater than in the United States or Western Europe.” The editor comments that “The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - to which Israel is a signatory - as well as cumulative experience worldwide in recent decades, has led to the position, in principle, that all people with developmental disabilities can live in the community as long as there are appropriate services,” and calls on Social Affairs Minister Meir Cohen to take the steps necessary to integrate people with developmental disabilities into the community.
    [Arel Segal, Alex Fishman and Yoav Limor wrote today’s articles in Ma'ariv, Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]