Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    HaaretzJerusalem PostYediot AharonotMa'arivGlobesYisrael Hayom

    (Israel Government Press Office)

    Three papers discuss reported events in Syria and/or Lebanon:

    Ma'ariv notes that "In Israel, it has long been assumed that all of the advanced weapons in Syria will, sooner or later, reach Hezbollah," and adds: "The civil war in Syria and the crumbling of Assad's military of late has only underscored the concern that very advanced weapons will make their way to Lebanon."  The paper reminds its readers that "Attacks in Syria are not unprecedented," but speculates that whatever may have happened yesterday "will not immediately lead to a round of fighting in the north," because, inter alia, "Hezbollah's arsenal of weapons has been built, first and foremost, for the day when Israel attacks Iran, not as a response to an attack on a weapons convoy, as important as the latter may be."

    Yediot Aharonot says that "According to foreign reports, Israel has previously attacked weapons convoys and depots in Sudan and destroyed long-range rockets. Weapon convoys from Libya have been hit, smugglers' ships have gone down in the Red Sea, various weapons depots have occasionally blown up in Lebanon."  The author believes that "Even though Israel is not currently interested in an all-out conflict on the Lebanese front, over the past year, and especially in recent months, the IDF has been preparing physically – with both planning and training – for such a confrontation, in all spheres," and suggests that "Today, Israel is closer to conflict on the northern front more than it has been at any point since the Second Lebanon War."

    Yisrael Hayom asserts: "As of last night, the ball is in the other court," and hopes that "The combination of Israeli deterrence, international diplomacy and common sense will prevent the war in Syria from becoming a regional war." The author contends that "As of last night, it seems that in both Syria and Lebanon there is a desire to avoid escalation," since neither Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad nor Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah wish to be on the receiving end of an all-out Israeli response, but urges the IDF and the security forces to be vigilant nevertheless.

    The Jerusalem Post notes that “[Bank of Israel Governor] Stanley Fischer’s announcement that he would be leaving in the middle of his second five-year term as governor of the Bank of Israel was not exactly a surprise.” The editor suggest that his unheeded warnings regarding the growing budget deficit and other economic matters “might have something to do with his decision to cut short his second term,” and concludes: “We can only hope that after ignoring Fischer for too long, our next government will take heed – before it is too late.”

    Haaretz discusses the need to end the diplomatic stalemate with the Palestinians, and asserts that “The next government must be based on political players and diplomatic ideas that will lead to peace.” The editor believes that “It is not sufficient to give the post of foreign minister to someone who is the polar opposite of former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman,” and concludes: “What is needed is a policy that will truly seek to achieve a mix that will provide peace and security.”

    [Alex Fishman, Amir Rappaport and Yoav Limor wrote today’s articles in Ma'ariv, Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]