Editorials 3 July 2013

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    (Israel Government Press Office)
    Three papers discuss events in Egypt:
    Ma'ariv says that "It is again becoming clear that the main instrument for change in Egypt, as well as for stabilizing the situation, is the military," and adds: "Even though the Egyptian generals are not happy to enter politics, they are likely to hold the reins of power or at least line up behind the new leaders if and when the current regime changes." The author asserts that "The military is the most stable and capable institution in Egypt," and adds: "It is the only one capable of slowing, and maybe also avoiding, the economic deterioration that can be credited to the Morsi regime."
    Yediot Aharonot suggests that "The Muslim Brotherhood has already internalized the fact if Morsi goes they will lose power," and believes that Morsi will try to play for time and draw things out in the hope of surviving. "However," the author declares, "When millions are shouting 'Go home', his chances are running out."
    Yisrael Hayom calls the military's ultimatum a "coup de grace if not a coup d'etat," and claims that "The Muslim Brotherhood made every mistake possible: They did not see fit to hold a dialogue with the people and the opposition, neither did they improve Egypt's economic situation. They advanced their most extreme members and their Islamist ideology to the displeasure of half the nation, and chose their least charismatic member as president." The author contends that the current military leaders are more realistic than their predecessors were, and will be content "to decide, not rule," during any transitional period. The paper says: "In the Egyptian equation, one cannot forget Obama," and adds that "In this story, America is not coming out well." The author notes that up until yesterday, Washington was backing Morsi and ventures that "It is difficult to believe that America, which according to the leaker and former CIA man Edward Snowden, knows and hears everything, failed to hear what anyone could hear on the streets of Cairo," since April. The paper declares, "While Egypt will not turn into a parliamentary democracy tomorrow, the Egyptian people have again had their say: They want neither an inefficient dictator nor an Islamist one," and concludes by wondering if the "Islamic winter," is beginning to dissipate.
    Haaretz comments on the new details that were released recently concerning the suicide of Mossad agent Ben Zygier in his guarded isolation cell at Ayalon Prison two and a half years ago, and asserts: “Had the entire system − the Mossad, the Shin Bet and the Prison Service − acted properly, the state treasury wouldn’t be required to pay out millions of shekels [in compensation to the Zygier family]. And far more importantly, Zygier, who was never convicted of anything, would still be alive.”

    The Jerusalem Post grieves over recurring incidents of deaths of children inadvertently forgotten in cars by their parents, and advocates the distribution of bold stickers that would be placed on the inside of the driver’s door to warn drivers not to leave a young child unattended. The editor calls on the government to get involved, and declares: “At the very least, a campaign should be launched to help raise awareness, using the stickers as a reminder not to forget babies in cars. The stickers can be distributed at gas stations, health funds, car licensing outlets and elsewhere. Launching a campaign now could prevent the next tragedy, and the state should be a part of it.”
    [Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Dr. Danny Asher, Semadar Peri and Boaz Bismout wrote today’s articles in Ma'ariv, Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]