Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    HaaretzJerusalem PostYediot AharonotMa'arivGlobesYisrael Hayom

    (Israel Government Press Office)

    Two newspapers refer to the controversy regarding the possibility that the former head of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bureau, Natan Eshel, who resigned last February pursuant to a plea bargain with the Civil Service Commission, which determined that he had invaded a female staffer’s privacy by photographing her without her consent and entering her personal email account, might be part of Likud-Beytenu's coalition negotiations team:

    Yediot Aharonot says: "With all due respect to Eshel, this story is not about him, or at least he is not the central figure in it. The one who should interest us more is the person who employed him and who is still looking for every possible opening to return him to the center of affairs." The paper adds: "And two words about the Prime Minister's Office Legal Adviser, Shlomit Barnea-Pargo. It would be interesting to know what she thought when she cleared Eshel as a member of the coalition negotiations team. What does she think that same female staffer, in regard to whom Eshel admitted unbecoming conduct, felt when she heard that with the blessing of the adviser who is supposed to protect her, Eshel is making a comeback and, thanks to his new job, will be back hanging around the office?"

    Haaretz believes that the move “casts doubt on Netanyahu's judgment,” and adds: “Instead of the prime minister setting high moral standards for Israeli society, and thereby marking the proper path for his citizens to follow, he preferred to keep faith with his crony, and thereby to undermine fundamental public norms.” The editor calls on the prime minister to “end his cooperation with Eshel and replace him with someone more suitable.” 


    Ma'ariv asserts: "[Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu cannot – again – appoint a confidant as Finance Minister and operate him by remote control," because "Israel needs a brave person who will be capable of taking dramatic steps." The author says: "This time, a known professional is needed, who will stand up for himself, who can be a team player, who does not expect to reap political rewards for himself, and who is not beholden to the coalition leaders."

    Yisrael Hayom discusses the internal situations in several of Israel's major political parties following last week's elections. Regarding Labor, the author notes the criticism of Shelly Yachimovich and speculates that "If indeed a new vote for party leader will be held within 14 months, as called for in the party constitution, Yachimovich is liable to find herself facing outside candidates." "In the Likud," the paper ventures, "the struggle will be postponed to the day after the formation of the [new] government," when more than one current Likud minister finds him or herself without a seat at the Cabinet table, given Yesh Atid's demand to cut the current number of [28] ministers. Regarding Yisrael Beytenu, the author suggests that "In the absence of Avigdor Liberman, who is awaiting trial, the knives are expected to come out even in the previous Knesset's most disciplined faction." The paper also predicts infighting in Shas since "Aryeh Deri did not realize the hopes for which he received a spot in the leading triumvirate, and Eli Yishai and Ariel Atias will fight to block him." The author refers to last Tuesday's elections as "an earthquake," and adds: "The aftershocks are only beginning to be felt."

    The Jerusalem Post comments on the deteriorating situation in Syria and the possible use of chemical weapons of mass destruction, either by Assad himself or by jihadists or extremist organizations such as Hezbollah, and states: “Thankfully, there is a broad consensus – which includes Russia, one of Assad’s few backers – that resorting to chemical weapons is a red line that must not be crossed, and that the Syrian regime must be stopped before it does.” The editor notes, however: “Less clear are the means that need to be taken to achieve that end in the most expedient way possible.”

    [Sima Kadmon, Ami Dor-On and Dan Margalit wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot, Ma'ariv and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]