Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    Haaretz Jerusalem Post Yediot Aharonot Ma'ariv Globes Yisrael Hayom

    (Israel Government Press Office)

    Three papers discuss various concerns over the situation in Syria:

    Yediot Aharonot says that there is an increasing flow of war materiel from Syria to Hezbollah and wonders what might prompt Israel to strike. The author points out that "In the past year, Russia has sold Syria advanced military systems such as advanced radar, which the Syrians have no use for today, unless they intend to transfer them to Hezbollah. Assad has also dealt in the acquisition of coast-to-sea missiles that are liable to threaten the sea lanes to the port of Haifa and the navy's activity opposite the Syrian and Lebanese coasts – if they are transferred to Hezbollah." The paper notes that Israel has declined to strike at Hezbollah since the end of the Second Lebanon War even as the organization has enriched its arsenals with various advanced, conventional weapons systems. However, the author asserts, "If chemical weapons are brought into Lebanon, it is reasonable to assume that Israel would not hesitate – and would attack."

    Ma'ariv reminds its readers that "The Syrian military has no less than 1,000 tons of chemical warfare materiel," and adds: "A tiny percentage of this quantity falling into the hands of Global Jihad organizations (and afterwards finding their way out of Syria) would suffice to create an unprecedented terrorist threat." The author asserts that "It is important to note that the issue disturbs not only Israel: The US is greatly interested in preventing the transfer of Syria's chemical weapons to elements such as Hezbollah or Global Jihad."

    Yisrael Hayom believes that "The day after Assad is already here, even if it is not tomorrow or the day after, and this presents three immediate worries, in descending order: The transfer of chemical weapons to Hezbollah, the start of terrorist activity along the fence on the Golan Heights and the internal chaos in Syria." The author wonders how long the current Israeli response – threats, accelerated construction of an upgraded border fence and a refusal to take sides along with preliminary, indirect contacts with figures in the Syrian opposition – will prove effective.


    The Jerusalem Post comments on last week’s election results, and notes that campaign slogans aside, they “didn’t reflect anything resembling a swing to socialism.” The editor notes that “the electorate bothered a whole lot less with what the world is obsessed about – the territories, a Palestinian state and the moribund purported peace process,” and adds: “In contrast to previous campaigns, they focused on very domestic issues. This is the essential mandate they gave their representatives – fix things inside the Jewish state rather than concentrate on a Palestinian state.”

    Haaretz discusses the plan to of Beitar Jerusalem football team owner Arcadi Gaydamak to bring two Muslim players from Chechnya to join the team, and is enraged by the racist actions of the fans, who unfurled banners in the stands at Jerusalem's Teddy Stadium declaring  ‘Beitar is pure forever.’  The editor asserts that “So long as Beitar Jerusalem refuses to hire Arab players, it is validating the racist positions of some of its fans,” and states: “It would behoove the Israel Football Association, the body that is enabling this phenomenon to continue, to change its regulations such that no club will be allowed to consistently and continuously discriminate in its employment of soccer players.”

    [Alex Fishman, Amir Rappaport and Yoav Limor wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot, Ma'ariv and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]