Editorials 26 November 2013

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    (Israel Government Press Office)
    Two papers discuss the Geneva agreement regarding the Iranian nuclear project:
    Ma'ariv wonders what effect the Geneva agreement "will have on the going-nowhere negotiations Israel is holding with the Palestinians," and suggests: "The government has two working assumptions. One, the more widespread, is that the Americans, who struck us a blow vis-à-vis Iran, will not do the same again to us regarding the Palestinians… According to this idea, John Kerry, who is among those who have been hurt by Netanyahu, will take a more conciliatory approach toward Israel this time. According to the second idea, what has happened with Iran will not dampen John Kerry's almost Messianic fervor to secure an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. Therefore, Kerry will continue to press wherever he sees fit."
    Yediot Aharonot declares: "Despite all the statements, the signature in Geneva has taken the military option off the table," and adds: "A Middle East without the deterrence of a military attack is a more complex and a more dangerous place." The author commends Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's policy on the Iranian issue and suggests that some of his critics may be letting their aversion to Netanyahu the man get the better of their judgment of his policies.
    Yisrael Hayom recalls Ayatollah Khamenei's recent rant against Jews and Israel and asserts: "The comparisons used by Abu Mazen, his cohorts and the Palestinian education system are no different from those used by Khameini. Both view the Jews as monkeys, rats or plagues." The author declares: "The goals and styles of Khameini and Abu Mazen are identical and open to view by all."
    Haaretz criticizes Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein’s promotion of a bill, dubbed the “concealment law”, the endorsement of which was previously halted due to harsh public criticism. The editor notes that the purpose of the bill “is to prohibit publication of investigative materials and evidence collected by the police and other agencies, even if such materials do not invade the privacy of the individual under investigation or impede the investigation,” and suspects that its true purpose “is to stifle criticism of the work of the police and the prosecution, not only while a probe is underway, but even after a case is closed.”
    The Jerusalem Post welcomes Isaac (Buji) Herzog as the new leader of the Labor party, and states: “Our political landscape is in desperate need of a strong, unified opposition that can offer a viable alternative not just to the socioeconomic agenda of the present government but also to its treatment of the single most burning issue confronting Israeli society – the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” The editor points out that “Public opinion surveys have consistently found that a strong majority of Israelis continues to support a negotiated peace agreement with the Palestinians. Herzog, as head of an opposition with a broad agenda, could potentially provide that alternative voice,” and concludes: “If he succeeds he would be making a crucial contribution to our political discourse.”
    [Shalom Yerushalmi, Yoaz Hendel and Dr. Ron Breiman wrote today’s articles in Ma'ariv, Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]
