Editorials 23 June 2013

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    (Israel Government Press Office)
    Ma'ariv comments on the election of Hassan Rohani as Iran's next President and suggests: "Perhaps this is the right time to change paradigms regarding the Iranian nuclear program."  The author asserts: "Maybe instead of trying to recruit the nations of the world to bring about a halt in the Persian program, we would do well to include it and understand that what the ayatollahs do in Tehran cannot be reversed and that human history has proven that exhausting the Iranian program will build a balance of terror between Israel and Iran, a balance that would prevent the sides from using the most destructive weapons." The paper questions how an outsider might see the injustice of a strong nuclear power, "preaching to its bitter rival that it better not dare to reach the same nuclear ability," and believes that "Israel would do well to internalize the fact that the nuclear program is a done deal and that maybe this heralds good reasons to relax."
    Yediot Aharonot analyzes the latest developments in the rivalry between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. The author says that "The efforts invested by Palestinian Authority head Abu Mazen in securing the victory of a singer from Gaza, Mohammed Assaf, in the Arab "A Star is Born" competition seemed much more vigorous and substantial than his efforts to persuade his Prime Minister, Rami Al-Hamdallah, to stay in his post," and adds: "In both cases, Hamas tried to torpedo his efforts." The paper contends that although the Islamist Hamas would prefer to ignore Assaf, it cannot, given the singer's popularity in Gaza as well.
    Yisrael Hayom discusses the increased tensions between Egypt and Ethiopia over the latter's intention to dam the Blue Nile, which provides most of the Nile water that reaches the former. The author avers that "The issue faces Israel with a certain dilemma: Its agreements and links with Egypt are a cornerstone of its foreign and defense policies, but its growing links with Ethiopia are in important factor in its considerations," and concludes: "Israel has hitherto refrained from any involvement in the gathering storm among its neighbors and hopes that this will continue."
    The Jerusalem Post is outraged by critics of the proposed bill that would allow IDF veterans and anyone who has performed civilian service to be eligible for a variety of long-overdue but hardly dramatic perks,  and states: “To deny even that little is hardhearted, counterproductive and grates against the ‘share the burden’ ethos.” The editor notes that “Without our modest version of the GI bill, those who do not serve will continue to get a head start at university, fill dorms, graduate early and grab jobs,” and concludes: “Those who do serve will lag behind at the end of the line in the name of equality.”
    Haaretz discusses the importance of an Israeli-Palestinian agreement, and calls on PM Netanyahu to “draft a sober, courageous initiative and make a sincere effort to implement it.” The editor notes that “This would inevitably effect the makeup of the cabinet and put coalition difficulties in the prime minister's way,” and adds: “a historic agreement with the Palestinians is a paramount goal for Israel and certainly for its prime minister.”
    [Dror Zarasky, Semadar Peri and Zalman Shoval wrote today’s articles in Ma'ariv, Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]