Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    Haaretz Jerusalem Post Yediot Aharonot Ma'ariv Globes Yisrael Hayom

    (Israel Government Press Office)

    All five newspapers discuss various issues regarding tomorrow's elections for the 19th Knesset:

    Yediot Aharonot reminds its readers that both the Sephardic ultra-orthodox Shas and the religious Zionist Jewish Home are using the Shas-affiliated and religious Zionist schools and yeshivot, respectively, for overtly political purposes and recalls previous cases – the disengagement from Gaza and northern Samaria, for one – in which this was done. The author complains that "The institutions of state have become used to the idea that in the ultra-orthodox and religious Zionist education networks it is OK to do politics while educators in the general state network are forbidden from revealing their views even outside the classroom." The paper observes: "Constant and patient ideological education is the key to political victory, and the processes described above are one of the explanations for the electoral strengthening of the religious and ultra-orthodox right," and speculates that "If the wheel ever reverses direction, it will only be in another generation or two, when the new elites tire and when their complete victory causes them to lose their caution."

    Ma'ariv discusses the impact of new media and social networks on the elections and suggests: "We are now beginning to internalize what Obama in the US learned a long time ago." The author asserts: "According to professionals in the know about what is going on at the parties' headquarters, budgets for new media and social networks in the current elections will be 25%, if not more, of every large party's campaign budget," and cites one campaign strategist as saying that "Today, it is possible to state unequivocally that campaigns will no longer be as they were in the past. From now on, it is social media on the Internet and cellular phones that will set the tone."

    Yisrael Hayom avers: "[Central Elections Committee Chairman] Judge Elyakim Rubinstein wisely barred media from broadcasting Benjamin Netanyahu's election announcement that he is appointing [outgoing Communications Minister] Moshe Kahlon as the Chairman of the Israel Land Administration," and adds: "The statement is flawed because the Prime Minister does not appoint officials on behalf of the government that will be formed after the elections, and because it is intended to be implemented only in another six months. If the housing plight is so acute that it requires an appointment two days before the elections – why not immediately? Why only after he [Kahlon] returns from his trip to the US?" The author suggests that the appointment "indicates great concern in Likud circles," over the possibility that Prime Minister Netanyahu might find it difficult to manage an unwieldy, and possibly narrow, government after the elections, and ventures that "It will not succeed because it will be seen as panic, and not a solution to the housing prices."

    The Jerusalem Post notes the push to “convince the undecided, the apathetic, the confused and the just plain lazy to get out and vote,” in the final days left before the election, and calls on the authorities to permit absentee voting. The editor comments that “Israelis living abroad for no longer than four years who intend to return home should have this right,” and adds: “By exercising their right to vote, these ‘temporarily relocated’ Israelis would both strengthen ties with their homeland and strengthen Israeli democracy by increasing voter turnout.”

    Haaretz comments on the “False economic promises” spewed by politicians prior to the elections, and states: “In the final lap before the elections, we are being inundated with candidates' unfounded economic promises.” The editor asserts that “Next year we will face an income shortage, and those who are unwilling to suffer a large, threatening budget deficit will either have to raise taxes or cancel exemptions,” and concludes: “Voters must not believe the false election promises, both on the right and the left, when they head to the polls tomorrow.”

    [Yaron London, Arik Bendar and Dan Margalit wrote today’s articles in Yediot Aharonot, Ma'ariv and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]