Editorials 2 July 2013

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    (Israel Government Press Office)
    Three papers discuss events in Egypt: 
    Ma'ariv cites Israeli estimates that President Morsi and his Islamist regime would barely last a year once "the people understand that the Quran cannot solve problems like unemployment and hunger." The author suggests that the fall of the Egyptian regime will reverberate throughout the region and adds: "The security establishment estimates that the region will continue to be very unstable for at least five to ten years at best." As to the issue of whether regime change in Egypt is good for Israel, the paper says: "This time the answer is mixed. On the one hand, the failure of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's attempt at governing is good for Israel in the long-term," because the Brotherhood's "uncompromising ideology endangers the future of the peace agreement with Israel." However, the author believes that "The news from Egypt is not positive for Israel in the short-term," given that Morsi's regime was a relatively stabilizing factor vis-à-vis Gaza and security in Sinai. The paper notes that prolonged internal struggle and unrest on the Nile greatly diminishes the possibility of future conflict with Israel.
    Yediot Aharonot asserts that "Right now the military is the only body that can restore order," but adds that "Morsi will not give up so quickly." The author calls on Israel to watch and wait from the sidelines and concludes: "The fact that Israeli flags are being burned in Tahrir Square is not a good enough reason for us to take a stand."
    Yisrael Hayom suggests that "As things look now, after the military's ultimatum, secular Egyptians – assisted by the military – are en route to ousting the Muslim Brotherhood from power," but avers that "The major question today is how the military will succeed in removing the Muslim Brotherhood from power without a violent struggle in the streets." The author concludes: "The Muslim Brotherhood waited 84 years to win the government and within one year they proved that their magic formula 'Islam is the solution' does not work. Today, Egypt is looking for a new leader. This time, only candidates without beards need apply."
    The Jerusalem Post discusses last week’s Supreme Court ruling prohibiting the operation of retail businesses in Tel Aviv over the Sabbath, and asserts that “With the breakdown of the old statist ethics that characterized Israel in the first decades after its establishment . . . the religious status quo has become increasingly anachronistic.” The editor points out that despite these changes, “religiosity has not waned,” but nevertheless adds: “The time has come for a new way of thinking about how to maintain the Jewishness of the State of Israel.”
    Haaretz comments on the Civil Service Reform Commission's recommendations, and believes “they should be seen as a justified demand and a laudable declaration of intent to improve the service Israeli citizens receive from government officials.” The editor points out that “A real reform that would reward workers, in both the public and the private sectors, according to their productivity and achievements would right the injustices of the labor market and moderate the extreme dichotomy that currently exists in it,” and concludes: “The success of such an effort would be to everyone's benefit.”
    [Amir Rappaport, Dr. Mira Tzoref and Boaz Bismout wrote today’s articles in Ma'ariv, Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]