  • Statements & Press Releases

    • The Cabinet marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Struggle against Anti-Semitism Day and approved Minister Benny Begin's recommendations on formalizing the status of Bedouin se ...
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    • PM Netanyahu: "The goal of this historic decision is to put an end to the spread of illegal building by Negev Bedouin and lead to the better integration of the Bedouin into Israeli society."
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    • PM Netanyahu: "Last night I called upon the Knesset factions to join me in as broad a national unity government as possible that would unite the public at a decisive time in our history."
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    • PM Netanyahu: The result of building the fence is that we have completely stopped the entry of infiltrators into Israel. In the past seven months, no infiltrators entered Israel's cities.  
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    • PM Netanyahu: The problem is not building in Ariel and Jerusalem. The problem in the Middle East is Iran's attempt to build nuclear weapons, and the chemical weapons in Syria.
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