DG Barak Closing Speech of GFCA 2013 Conference

DG Barak Closing Speech of GFCA 2013 Conference

    The uniqueness of the Global Forum for Combating Anti Semitism lies in the diversity of its participants, and your willingness to come together to help end this ancient malady that has poisoned the minds of too many generations against the Jewish people.
    Distinguished guests – Minister, Deputy Ministers, Ambassadors, our brethren from Jewish communities around the world, our fellow Muslim Imams and Muftis, and fellow representatives of Christian European Parties and communities, Knesset members, fellow diplomats, professors, members of academia, scholars and Israeli guests, students, Parliament and government members – I thank you for your participation in this important conference, over the last three days.

    The uniqueness of the Global Forum for Combating Anti Semitism lies in the diversity of its participants, and your willingness to come together to help end this ancient malady that has poisoned the minds of too many generations against the Jewish people.

    This year we will be marking 70 years since the destruction of many Jewish communities in the darkest of times, the Holocaust – Shoah.

    While still trying to grasp the enormity of the tragedy, this Genocide brought on our nation, we are shocked that the root of the evil designed and perpetrated by the Nazis and their collaborators -the antisemitic perception that Jews don't deserve to be treated equally like any other people, creed or race – still exists today and even continues to spread and evolve.

    While forcibly at a labor camp in the Przemysl ghetto, in the summer of 1943, exactly 70 years ago, Michael Goldman-Gilad, only 17 years old, got 80 lashes from the SS commander of his ghetto, Josef Schwammberger, for hiding books.

    Amazingly he survived the 80 lashes. He survived death marches; he survived forced labor and starvation. He survived Auschwitz. He lived to become a proud Police Investigator in the Israeli Police force and to take part in bringing the mass-murderer Eichmann to trial.

    Michael once said that when he met people that discounted his story, or disbelieved that any person could survive so many lashes – it was for him as if he had just received the eighty first lash.

    So to further paraphrase his ordeal – for this brave Mr. Goldman-Gilad, to live in an era where antisemitism still exists, where the lesson has not been fully learnt  – is like getting the eighty second lash.

    But this Conference is a strong message to fanatics and bigots – this time Michael is not alone – joint positive forces will serve as a firm protecting hand to stop in mid-air  this whip from handing out its racist blow.

    I have been informed by the Conference Chair, Ambassador Gideon Behar, that more than 450 people from more than 40 countries participated in the deliberations of the Conference, and have come up with a concrete Action Plan for Combating Antisemitism in 2013 and beyond.

    This is an achievement that strengthens the minds and hearts of Jews, both here in Israel and around the World. So unlike that darkest of time, only 70 years ago – we are now not alone in our efforts to strive for a new global generation that is unwilling to accept this ancient, irrational bigotry.

    We also remember this evening, that like antisemitism - which is aimed at the Jewish people - other forms of racism and xenophobia, are evils every society in the world manifests to a certain degree, and every society has to fight. We in Israel are putting great efforts into educating our young generations in the concepts of tolerance and dialogue among all minorities in Israel, even in times of war and terror.

    Antisemitism is regrettably ever evolving. Antisemites around the world, devoted to their dark cause, are becoming more and more sophisticated. They use new media and new technologies to spread their hatred.

    The resilient message sent by the international community against open antisemitism, while achieving much progress, has had a twisted influence on "hard core" antisemites. It has taught them to disguise their hatred for anything that has to do with the Jewish People, including the Jewish State of Israel.

    As a result, some of them have learnt to cloak their antisemitic tendencies, while singling out anything Jewish for criticism, in "softer colors".

    So while indeed we must all be careful not to hastily brand as "antisemitic" occurrences of mere bad choice of words, or caustic criticism that may not be pleasant to hear, but are not really antisemitic, as such – at the same time, we must stay vigilant and not allow this new phenomena of "Antisemites in disguise" to prevail.

    As the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, I wish to announce this evening that I intend to have the Conferences of the Global Forum convene on a regular basis, every two years, in order to assure the continuity of its work and concrete efforts.

    I also undertake to help with the necessary steps needed to implement the recommendations of the Action Plan for Combating Antisemitism this Conference adopted, through the successful work of the working-groups co-chairs and participants. Our embassies around the world and our headquarters in Jerusalem will play a central role in striving for this goal. I am sure we can count on all your support and assistance in these efforts.

    Michael Goldman-Gilad may have failed to hide those books from the Nazis – but he lived to publish a book himself and to be a proud grandfather of 12 grandchildren – so there is every reason for all of us to believe that success against all adversity is possible.

    I thank you all, once again, for coming to Jerusalem and for participating at the 4th International Conference of the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitsm.