Commemoration of the AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires 18 Jul 2013

Commemoration of the AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires

    July 18 marks 19 years since the horrific terrorist attack on the AMIA Jewish community building in Argentina. Eighty-five people were killed in the attack, and hundreds more were wounded.
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    Today, July 18, marks19 years since the horrific terrorist attack on the AMIA (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building in Argentina. Eighty-five people were killed in the attack, and hundreds more were wounded.

    The victims of the AMIA bombing joined the dozens of murdered and wounded victims of the bomb attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in March 1992.

    The State of Israel shares the deep grief of the Jewish community in Argentina as well as its outrage that justice has not yet been done.  The vile people who conceived, planned and carried out this heinous crime continue to walk among us, free to plan and execute additional acts of terror around the globe.

    The Argentine authorities, who investigated the AMIA attack and published their findings in a report by the special prosecutor, indicated that the government of Iran and its executive arm, Hezbollah, were behind the attack. Israel calls upon the Argentine authorities to not let up and to make all the efforts necessary to swiftly bring the perpetrators of the attacks to justice.

    At the same time, we wish to express our feeling of solidarity with the bereaved families, the Jewish community in Argentina and the entire Argentine people and to convey to them a message of friendship. In the face of the forces of evil that seek to harm us, our unity is our strength.